Actions in Solidarity with Attawapiskat

Ongoing protest at Indigenous and Northern Affairs office at 1138 Melville St., 6th floor, Vancouver, April 18, 2016 (H. Walia)
Flash Mob — #TruDontShow
Monday, April 18 — 6:30 pm
25 St. Clair Ave. E.
Indigenous people and Canadians have been protesting at Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada offices in Toronto, Gatineau, Winnipeg, Saskatchewan and Vancouver since April 13. Toronto organizers say, “As suicides in Nothern Indigenous communities continue to mount, Justin Trudeau — a man who appointed himself the ‘Minister of Youth’ — continues to ignore the youth of Attawapiskat and other territories. Trudeau was elected on a promise of starting a new relationship with First Nations and its time to call him on his hypocrisy. We are using the hashtag #TruDontShow.”