A Historic 95 Per Cent Strike Mandate for Common Front

– Common Front Press Release, October 17 –

Following a series of general assemblies held in recent weeks, the Common Front today confirms that it has officially obtained a strike mandate which could extend to an indefinite general strike (GGI). On average, members of the Common Front organizations (CSN, CSQ, FTQ, APTS) voted 95 per cent in favour of the mandate, which specifies that the triggering of the GGI will be preceded by strike sequences.

"The strike mandate that we obtained is historic! This is a message that could not be clearer to the government. We have witnessed it, something extraordinary has really happened over the last few weeks. The mobilization of members is very concrete and very active. The Common Front is anchored in our communities. The strength of the mandate with which we present ourselves before the government must be taken seriously. If the government still doubts the context in which we find ourselves, this is the ultimate signal," argue the representatives of the Common Front, François Enault, first vice-president of the CSN, Éric Gingras, president of the CSQ, Magali Picard, president of the FTQ, and Robert Comeau, president of the APTS, recalling that there was no shortage of warnings.

"We have said it from the very beginning: this negotiation is first and foremost that of the 420,000 workers that we represent, 78 per cent of whom are women. It is their requests that we carry. The strength of the mandate they gave us testifies to their massive support for the Common Front and this great strike movement, unprecedented in the last 50 years."

"Such a strong response and support also comes with great responsibility, as well as high expectations for the outcome of the negotiations. Let's be clear: the government is playing a very traditional narrative, demonstrating its disconnection from the realities on the ground. It is certain that maintaining a salary offer of nine per cent over five years, despite the ridiculousness of the offer, does not help to calm the discontent of the members, but for Ms. LeBel, there is still time to do the right thing. And it will be necessary to come up with substantial offers."

The Common Front is therefore calling on the government today and reiterating its openness to negotiate to reach a settlement that will allow workers in the education, health and social services and higher education networks to stop getting poorer and improve their working conditions in concrete terms. For all job categories. "What we want is for the outcome of this negotiation to allow us to look resolutely forward and rebuild our public services on solid foundations. And that is in the interest of all Quebecers, who have understood this well, as evidenced by their support in this negotiation. Can we come to the table for the rest of things now, and seriously?"

The Common Front finally recalls that obtaining mandates does not mean that it will be exercised de facto. If necessary, the announcement will be made officially and publicly, in advance, by the Common Front.

(Translation from the original French by WF)

This article was published in
Number 58 - October 26, 2023

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