Mass Common Front Demonstration in Montreal

Public Sector Workers Declare: With One Voice, We Defend Public Services!

On Saturday, September 23, more than 100,000 public sector workers and their many allies from childcare centres, parents, students and so many others marched through the streets of Montreal to demand their rights. They came from all corners of Quebec, by bus, by car, from Trois-Rivières, Quebec City, Victoriaville, Drummondville, Val d'Or, Gaspésie, Gatineau and the Magdalen Islands to show the Legault government that they do not accept its dictate and the working and living conditions it imposes on them. A tide of banners, flags, caps and scarves bore the slogan: Nous d'une seule voix! (We with One Voice!) marking the unity of all public sector workers in their determination to obtain working conditions worthy of their social responsibilities.

The demonstration ended at the Place des Festivals, where all the speakers affirmed that it is the hundreds of thousands of public service workers who, because they are on the front line of care for the population, are the ones who defend and protect the health and education of the whole population. They were quick to point out that this is also the opinion of the vast majority of Quebeckers, and that the government must be held to account if it continues to refuse to negotiate based on the demands of the workers.

This article was published in
Number 53 - September 25, 2023

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