
– An Educational Assistant –

A lot is being said about arbitrators and how they are neutral and will affirm the rights of education workers given the government's refusal to negotiate. The Canadian Arbitration Association says that arbitrators' fees in Canada range from $250 to $800 per hour, plus applicable taxes depending on the arbitrator and the location of the arbitration. Can we really believe that someone being paid that amount by the state is going to appreciate the conditions of education workers making less than $40,000 per year? Or the conditions of working-class families and single parents who cannot afford private education to address the problems in the schools? These arbitrators are going to make a killing through this process as will the lawyers for the unions and the government, all of which the public purse is used to pay for. It will no doubt add up to many millions of dollars itself. Meanwhile we as education workers will have to beg for some scraps in hopes of just staying above the poverty line.

This article was published in
Number 51 - September 17, 2023

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