Windsor Salt Strike

Workers to Consider Second Tentative Agreement

– Empower Yourself Now –

 On August 24, the bargaining committees for Unifor Locals 240 and 1959 announced that they had reached a second tentative agreement with the owners of Windsor Salt, Stone Canyon Industries Holdings Inc. (SCIH), after in-person meetings with representatives of the company in Toronto. The workers have been on strike since February 17. This agreement comes after miners at the Ojibway Mine rejected a tentative agreement on July 21 because it contained unacceptable union-busting provisions.[1] Workers at the evaporation plant and clerical workers at both the mine and evaporation plant have not voted on the first tentative agreement as they paused their votes when the miners rejected the agreement. Meetings for each bargaining unit to consider the new tentative agreements are taking place on Sunday, August 27.

Empower Yourself Now is confident that, just as they did with the previous tentative agreement, the salt workers in Windsor, Ontario will work out together how to vote in a manner that upholds their unity and the dignity of labour, as they have done since Day 1 of the strike.

This article was published in
Number 47 - August 26, 2023

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