Strike at National Steel Car in Hamilton

Stand with Striking Rail Car Workers

July 6 rally at National Steel Car in Hamilton

A rally was held July 6 at the National Steel Car picket line in Hamilton in support of the 1,450 workers who have been on strike, shutting down production at the plant since June 29. The striking workers were joined for the rally by members of United Steelworkers Local 1005 and other Hamilton steelworker locals, the Hamilton and District Labour Council, the Canadian Labour Congress and the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada. Workers from other United Steelworker locals have been regularly visiting the picket lines to support the workers in their just demands.

The two main issues in the strike are improved safety conditions at the workplace, and a wage increase and cost-of-living adjustment that will compensate for the rapidly increasing cost of living. As of the date of the rally, negotiations were stalled as the company refused to return to the bargaining table.

The right to safety at work is a big concern for workers at the plant, as the company has had a long history of unsafe working conditions. Recently, in less than two years from September 2020 to June 2022, three workers were killed on the job at the rail car manufacturer. Workers held a rally outside the plant in June 2022 after the death of Quoc Le, a welder, to demand measures be taken to end the unsafe working conditions. At that time workers described hazardous working conditions at the plant, where production goes at a hectic pace with employee safety appearing to take a back seat, placing the onus on workers to "watch their own backs" in order to stay safe. Among other measures the union is negotiating for more full-time union representatives in the plant to deal with safety and other matters.

Toronto Steelworkers' Area Council visits picket line, July 13, 2023

The last wage offer by the company for a three-year agreement was for wage increases of four per cent the first year and three per cent each year for the following two years. The union had asked for seven per cent per year. Pointing to the need for a sizable wage increase to deal with inflation, President of USW Local 7135 Frank Crowder said that a lot of workers at the plant travel to work from Niagara and Welland, and given current wages and the amount they have to spend on gas, they might as well find a minimum wage job closer to where they live.

National Steel Car is the largest manufacturer of railway cars in Canada. The rail cars built at the Hamilton plant transport critical products, including food and fuel, across the country, and the company's order books are full. The company signed a contract in November 2022 to produce 1,300 specialized cars for Canpotex Limited for shipping potash and another recent contract of similar size was signed for the production of grain cars for CN Rail.

Above USW Local 1005 brings solidarity and financial support in a visit to the picket line on July 14. The day after the strike began USW Local 1005 stated "USW LOCAL 1005 stands in strong solidarity with our sisters and brothers at USW 7135 who voted to strike for better wages, safety, security and dignity. National Steel Car must start negotiating instead of dictating!"

(Photos: USW Local 1005, USW Toronto Area Council, R. Wyman)

This article was published in
Number 38 - July 19, 2023

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