Work of the Workers' Centre in the Coming Year

– Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L) –

The situation today requires a strong workers' press. The task of the Workers' Centre in the coming year is to strengthen our journalism and take discussions of the challenges facing the workers' movement into more places of work and sectors of the economy. Workers' Forum, our internet newspaper, reports on what the workers are fighting for, what they stand for as concerns their wages, working conditions and their aspirations for the younger generations, for themselves in retirement, and for society as a whole.

Workers' Forum also reports on the conditions of work and what is happening in different sectors of the economy. The workers' movement being informed on a timely basis about what is happening across the country, allows it to learn from itself and its experiences. This also allows it to unite in action to smash the isolation and marginalization of each contingent of the class imposed by the status quo and the reporting of the monopoly-owned media.

It is not possible to have an organized workers' movement without this kind of journalism that carries the independent politics of the working class, not the politics of this or that faction of the ruling class to cause divisions and perpetuate the status quo.

Regular reporting in both English and French in Workers' Forum permits the workers' movement to benefit from a national discussion irrespective of where they work, the nature of their job, union or lack-thereof etc. In this way, advanced workers educate one another and can then educate those with whom they work and live. This is one important way the power of the workers as a class can be brought to bear in defence of the rights of all. It is all about educating the educators, which is all of us.

By espousing this mass democratic method of reaching conclusions which are warranted, workers gain confidence. They become spokespersons themselves for what they think, arguing out what is right for their peers and society as a whole, not on the basis of preconceived notions, beliefs or disinforming views and opinions provided by government sources, think tanks, cartel parties and media.

Organized workers are quite capable of providing themselves with information which reveals what is right and just. They do not need to rely on those who claim to represent us, but act to get us to give up our own thinking and experience, claiming that we need mediators to say what we think, and that this is necessary to be "reasonable." These forces in fact owe their living and swear allegiance to a system of rule whose sole purpose is to keep working people in line based on such considerations as conciliating with the anti-social offensive and turning workers into things that are disposable. Meanwhile those in control claim to speak in our name to retain their wealth and privilege.

We encourage those interested in joining in this important work to get in touch so that Workers' Forum can carry reports of their living and working conditions, their struggles, and their views on matters of concern. This will broaden and strengthen the unity of the workers in action. The capacity of the workers' press can also be enlarged and strengthened in this way.

The situation is very serious in the world. The economy has become a casino, where speculators run massive Ponzi schemes in which we all lose our shirts, where the economy is in constant crisis, war is a constant feature and social conditions deteriorate by the day. We cannot rely on those in power to solve the problems their system has created.

Our future lies in the fight for the rights of all. It lies in a new direction for the economy under the control of those who do the work, not in supporting the Biden administration's plans to steal everything north of the border.

For the privileged elite in control, workers are disposable. That is the truth of the matter. Next worker up -- who cares about those who have fallen as long as wealth and privilege remain in the hands of those with power and privilege. Likewise for the environment, which has been turned into an excuse to suck dry the public treasury for powerful private interests and fatten the pockets of a few. Nor do they care about the youth or women as they are left to fend for themselves in the midst of a continuing anti-social offensive. They are eliminating the hereditary and treaty rights of the Indigenous Peoples by declaring that band councils and private Indigenous businesses speak for the Indigenous Peoples as long as they agree that pay-the-rich schemes are legitimate and a few are accommodated. It is a downward slide for humanity and society. This anti-social nation-wrecking tide must be reversed!

The Canadian and Quebec working class are one. They are also international by virtue of their composition and the globalized processes of production and distribution. They are fully capable of sorting out how to humanize the natural and social environment, defeat the anti-human/anti-conscious factor, build a modern economy to serve everyone not just a few, and unite with the U.S. working class in our common fight against the enemies of humankind, along with the workers and oppressed peoples the world over.

This year we pledge to strengthen the workers' press and call on all those who benefit from this work to support us in whatever way they can by writing, distributing and financing this endeavour to the best of their ability and means.

All Out to Strengthen the Workers' Press!

This article was published in
Number 24 - May 1, 2023

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