The Challenge to Make the Working Class Movement Effective

– Pierre Chénier, Secretary, Workers' Centre of CPC(M-L) –

Since May Day 2022 the workers' movement has made definite headway in breaking the limitations imposed on it, whether by governments, the courts or the rich and their media. A challenge facing the workers' movement is how to organize itself further so that it can put the justice of its cause into play to favour its own interests. The movement faces stepped-up attempts from governments to eliminate any say for the workers and divide their ranks on every basis possible.

The defiance of education workers of CUPE's Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU) to the government's Bill 28 and its use of the notwithstanding clause in November forced the government to repeal the legislation. This victory opened a path for the workers' movement to unite in self defence and assert its No! to government dictate. Teachers and education workers across the country are following this lead by speaking out about their conditions and refusing to be silenced. It also made the workers aware of the limitations imposed on them by labour law itself and that they have to transcend the limitations of the arrangements which favour private interests to the detriment of the working people and society itself, as well as the natural environment.

Across North America health care workers are refusing to be limited in their actions to what governments deem acceptable. Nurses in Quebec and New York recently went on strike in defiance of laws denying them that right.

In addition, the decision by the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ) to discuss openly how to renew the trade union movement and discuss the challenges of today shows that working people are conscious that conditions have changed. A realization has emerged that workers must act in new ways according to what the conditions demand, rather than what they are told they are permitted to do by the rich and the governments and courts in their service.

Many other examples are emerging whereby the workers' movement is expressing itself with its own thinking and consciousness and defying the limitations imposed on it by those in control with their power and privileges. The strength of the movement depends on the mobillization of its numbers and organization, not only in one place of work but on a mass basis. This is a step forward which empowers the workers and strengthens the workers' movement.

This article was published in
Number 24 - May 1, 2023

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