Unions Express Support for Striking Workers

Ottawa, April 19, 2023

Unions are posting statements in support of the strike of the 155,000 PSAC federal public service workers.

Canadian Labour Congress

On April 18, Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) , released the following statement in support of the PSAC members as they were preparing to go on strike.

Holding the line in Morden, Manitoba, April 19, 2023

"Canada's unions fully support federal public service workers' right to strike. By refusing to provide the working conditions that federal public service workers deserve, the federal government is lowering the bar to rock bottom for every worker in Canada.

"With 155,000 PSAC members on strike there is no doubt that public services will be impacted. These workers play a key role in delivering services Canadians depend on. They are maintenance workers, food inspectors, cleaners, and cooks. They are the people we rely on to get our passports and that guide us through Employment Insurance applications.

"PSAC members have been without a contract for nearly two years because the government kept stalling and outright refused to address workers' priorities. Federal public service workers are facing a one-two punch of stagnant wages and the climbing cost of living.

"The government's revenues rose with inflation, and they can afford to treat their employees fairly. Now, it's up to the government to make a reasonable offer to PSAC members, one that sets the bar for all workers in Canada.

"Canada's unions are sending a strong message: We stand in solidarity with PSAC members. We are united and we won't back down. "

Ontario Federation of Labour

On April 19, the Ontario Federation of Labour wrote:

"The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) offers its full support to the 155,000 members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) who went on strike today and is calling on Ontario unions and workers to show their solidarity.

"'These workers are fighting the cost-of-living crisis,' said Patty Coates, OFL President. 'Like all workers, they deserve real wage increases.'

"The union's key demands include wages that keep up with inflation, improved job security, remote work protections, anti-oppression training in the workplace, and protections against contracting out and privatization.

"Workers can show support for PSAC strikers by joining picket lines and by posting solidarity messages on social media.

"'Workers everywhere are fed up, and they're saying, 'enough is enough!'' said Coates. 'Wherever they're fighting back for a better life for themselves and for their communities, we've got their backs.'

"Better wages and job security for PSAC members means better services for the public, which relies on the tens of thousands of workers who provide a wide range of services at the Treasury Board and the Canada Revenue Agency.

"'Good working conditions help ensure that we all get the services and support we need, whenever we need it, and wherever we live in Canada,' added Coates. 'This strike is a fight for all of us: for the right to decent work and well-funded public services.'

"The OFL encourages its affiliates to issue their own statements of support and invites the wider public to rally behind PSAC members.

"Together, a united movement of workers can win a better life for everyone. The OFL applauds the courage of PSAC members for taking a lead in this important fight."

(Photos: EYN, PSAC, C.M. Warner)

This article was published in
Number 22 - April 19, 2023

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