U.S. Cartel Steps Up Union-Busting at Windsor Salt

May Day Rally at Windsor Salt Picket Line

Windsor and District Labour Council visits  Windsor Salt picket line, April 11, 2023

As a show of support from the labour movement of Windsor and Essex County, on April 11 delegates at the monthly membership meeting of the Windsor and District Labour Council unanimously adopted a motion to mark May Day 2023 with a rally at the Windsor Salt picket line. 

As soon as the business of the meeting was over, many of the delegates went straight to the picket line at the evaporation plant to show their support for the striking workers in response to the call from their unions to bolster the lines. The call was issued after the company's announcement that it would not negotiate the following week as it is training managers in mine rescue so as to continue mining salt while the strike is taking place.

(Empoweryourselfnow.ca. Photo: EYN)

This article was published in
Number 20 - April 13, 2023

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