Nunavik Nurses' Union Denounces Government's Response

Nurses from different regions of Quebec take to social media expressing support for the nurses in the communities on Hudson's Bay.

In a statement issued by the Union of Nurses of Hudson's Bay, President Cyril Gabreau wrote:

"Nurses are fed up with their working conditions and the severe staffing shortages that have gone on for too long. Last night, nurses from seven Hudson Bay coast villages wanted to send a clear message that they want management to make a commitment to change things. They are exhausted, overworked and demotivated. They feel, and rightly so, that it is no longer possible for them to provide quality and safe care. The employer's response? Go to the Administrative Labour Tribunal and force them to return to work. How disappointing and revolting."

He added:

"Many avenues of solution have been proposed to the employer and unfortunately, they are not being considered. It's the status quo, all the time! But it is not possible to let things go this way. We are not asking for a revolution! We are asking that the employer listen to the care professionals who want to offer health care to the community. We have avenues of solution. The situation is serious and if we want to attract and retain care professionals, it is no longer acceptable to ask them to work 32 hours in a row, nor to have a minimum of 8 hours of rest per 24-hour shift, for example."

The Nunavik nurses and their union declared that they will continue their struggle for their rights and for services to the communities.

(Quotations translated from original French by Workers' Forum.)

This article was published in
Number 2 - February 7, 2023

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