
Government Adopts Anti-Worker Occupational Health and Safety Regime

On September 30, close to 500 workers demonstrated in front of the National Assembly in Quebec City to reject Bill 59, An Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime, as it was being passed with 72 votes in favour, 44 against and no abstentions.

Workers from all Quebec union centrals were represented. Participating amongst them were steelworkers, construction workers, Montreal longshoremen, Davie shipyard workers from Lévis, Montreal blue collar workers, health care workers, as well as workers from other sectors. The Union des travailleuses et travailleurs accidentés ou malades (UTTAM) was also there with a strong delegation.

The spokesperson for UTTAM represented the stand of all the participants, when during his brief remarks, he said: "We must all remember what happened here today in the National Assembly, where a party that obtained 37 per cent of the vote in the last election gave itself the right to overwhelm our health and safety regimes, take away workers' rights while all workers' organizations representing them oppose the legislation and the opposition parties have voted against it. There's no consensus, it's unacceptable that all this has all been dismissed. We continue to fight for our rights."

The general sentiment was that workers reject the control by private interests of decision-making power over workers' health and safety. In a discussion with an activist from the Party's Workers' Centre, a prevention representative from the Port of Montreal Longshoremen's Union explained that placing safety in the hands of employers is a huge and unacceptable setback that puts workers' very lives at risk.

Meanwhile, on the eve of the bill's passage, Labour Minister Jean Boulet again asserted that private interests must make the law. He said: "One of the ways to ensure the effectiveness of prevention and participation mechanisms is the possibility of implementing multi-establishment programs. Indeed, the multi-establishment approach allows employers to deploy the same prevention program in several locations under their responsibility. This enables employers with more than one establishment to be more efficient. The decision to use the multi-establishment approach is left to the employer, as it is they who are responsible and accountable for health and safety management in their establishments."

Workers reject such an irresponsible assertion and dictate and they made it clear at the demonstration that they reject this law and that the only response is to step up the defence of their right to safe and healthy working conditions.

The Defence of Rights Is the Defence of Lives!

This article was published in

October 1, 2021 - No. 90

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