We're Already in the Next Healthcare Crisis

The nursing shortage has reached a critical level.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep cracks in Canada's health care system. These are problems we can't socially distance from. This election, it's crucial we invest in nurses and health care.

Staffing levels are dangerously low across the country. Twenty-nine per cent of nurses experienced clinical levels of burnout -- and that was before the pandemic.

If this health crisis continues, it means fewer emergency beds, cancelled life-saving surgeries, and less support for long-term care -- among many other issues.

Our strained health care system needs urgent action, including investing in more nurses, fixing our long-term care, expanding access to quality child care, and finally ensuring everyone can get the medications they need through universal pharmacare.

We need to invest in our health care now -- for a better future and to recover post-COVID-19. Our political leaders need to step up.

We can't continue with stopgap solutions -- we'll put even more lives at risk.

To learn more, download nurses' platform here.


This article was published in

September 22, 2021 -  No. 86

Article Link:


Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  editor@cpcml.ca