Affirming the Right to Education in the Context of the Fourth Wave

Discussion on Concrete Measures to Uphold Health, Safety and Rights as Schools Re-open

On August 29, 2021 Education is a Right Podcast held a virtual forum to discuss what is on the minds of educators, parents and students across Canada with the opening of school amidst a fourth wave of the pandemic and ongoing vaccine rollouts. Participants attended from Alberta, Ontario and Quebec and included elementary, secondary and post-secondary educators, students and parents.

The main theme was how to take up social responsibility in the schools and communities as schools re-open. Participants received a presentation on the guidelines for safe schools being put forward by Health Canada and then discussed the situation in their parts of the country and how they are planning to deal with the reality in the class. This was followed by a session on how to ensure that Orange Shirt Day 2021 (September 30) is made an important project for the youth in every class so that they are part of truth and reconciliation, and it is not left up to chance.

The forum ended with discussion on the federal election and the importance of involving the youth in getting their own experience with the political process despite the terrible timing of the election.

A key thread throughout the three-hour plenary was the importance of educators taking their own initiatives to involve themselves and their students in working out how to uphold the health and safety of their class and their families and by extension their community. This was also the case with Orange Shirt Day and the federal election: it is important to take up our own organizing and initiative so that the pandemic doesn't lead to either nothing being organized or things that just come from on high without the participation of the people.

Three decisions were taken by those in attendance:

1) that the proceedings of the conference be published as podcasts in the months of September and October
2) that in September episodes be dedicated to Orange Shirt Day
3) that participants get back together virtually over the December break to review what has taken place and prepare for the next phase of the school year.

The opening presentation on guidelines for the re-opening of schools and the discussion have now been published as podcasts here:

Episode 108: Planning for the 2021-22 school year in the context of the fourth wave

Episode 109: Discussion on a Safe September

This article was published in

September 13, 2021 - No. 82

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