Congratulations to Olymel Workers in Vallée-Jonction!

On August 31, workers at Olymel's pork processing plant in Vallée-Jonction, Quebec voted 78 per cent in favour of the tentative agreement reached with the company two days earlier. This puts an end to the strike which started on April 28.

In a press release, the Olymel Workers Union in Vallée-Jonction (CSN) presented the main features of the agreement.

"We have agreed to a new six-year work contract during which we will receive wage increases of 26.4 per cent, including 10 per cent in the first year. In addition to the 4.4 per cent average increase per year, we also received a lump sum payment of $65 per year of service per member," said Martin Maurice, president of the union.

"We also obtained a 50 per cent increase in the employer's contribution to our group insurance for family coverage, which brings the total increase for the first year to 12.48 per cent. The result of the vote shows us that our members are satisfied with the gains we have made. We made the choice to significantly improve the wages of all the workers and that is exactly what we finally got," Maurice added.

In 2007, Vallée-Jonction workers lost nearly 40 per cent of their wages under the threat that Olymel would close the plant. Prior to the ratification of the new collective agreement, the majority of union members earned only $1.13 per hour more than in 2007, an average annual increase of $0.08 per hour over 14 years. A meaningful wage catch-up was a key demand of the workers.

It was necessary to achieve wages that workers consider acceptable in today's conditions. It was also necessary to retain workers at the plant where turnover is high due to low wages and poor working conditions. The union estimates that between 2015 and 2021, more than 1,800 people were hired at Vallée-Jonction and in the same period nearly 1,700 left their jobs.

Workers lost their pension plan in 2007, also under threat of closure. Under the new agreement, a simplified defined-contribution pension plan is to be established. It will come into effect during the last two years of the agreement, with a total Olymel contribution of 1.5 per cent during those years.

Following the ratification of the agreement, everything needed to resume operations was quickly set in motion.

Mechanics went to work on September 1. The plant was sanitized on September 2. On September 3 production begins with the slaughter of some hogs. All the workers will return to work on September 7 when operations will resume in full.

Workers' Forum salutes the Olymel workers for waging a courageous struggle in Vallée-Jonction. They have fought with conviction and brought honour to themselves and to their region. This contribution to the fight for the dignity of labour and particularly for the workers in the slaughterhouses and meat processing industry who face some of the most exploitative working conditions in the country will encourage others that change is possible.

Olymel used its control of 80 per cent of Quebec's pork slaughter capacity and its media connections to try to mobilize the people against the workers who were depicted as causing harm to hog farmers and the food supply for the public. The longer the strike went on, the more intense the media propaganda became that the workers would be responsible for the euthanasia of over 130,000 hogs. Olymel also resurrected its threat to close the plant.

At the eleventh hour Olymel said they would eliminate the evening shift if the workers did not ratify the contract. This would have caused the loss of 500 jobs.

The Legault government and its labour minister remained silent on all these provocations while hypocritically claiming to be supporting a negotiated settlement of the dispute.

The Olymel workers did not flinch and persisted in defending the claims they are entitled to make as a matter of right.

Union president Martin Maurice told Workers' Forum:

"The workers fought. They were not afraid of the closure. Some media outlets have said that 'You were afraid of closure, that's why you accepted the tentative agreement.' No, we were not afraid to fight and were not afraid of closure. It was the opposite. There were four things we wanted to achieve when we negotiated over the last weekend. We got three out of the four. That's why the workers accepted the agreement and not because of the threat of closure."

Bravo to the Olymel workers! You have inspired all workers by waging this just struggle in the most difficult conditions!

(Quotations translated from the original french by Workers' Forum. Photo: CSN)

This article was published in

September 3, 2021 - No. 78

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