What Participants in Fredericton March Had to Say

In Fredericton, the NB Media Co-op interviewed some of the approximately 250 marchers. Here are some quotes:

Gail Wylie, Former Civil Servant

"I'm just here in support of all the civil servants. I used to be one. And I thought about them often as the COVID was going on. I thought I couldn't have coped as they've done. They're so creative, and they're so committed, and I just really appreciate the fact that they kept things going. And especially the health care. I think we should honour the fact that they are taking risks and they're so talented at being able to adapt."

Sonny Levasseur, CUPE 2745

"I'm a zone delegate for the Oromocto-Fredericton region [education support staff]. I'm here to show my support for CUPE. I want to support all public sector workers, support all front-line workers, that's basically it."

Sandy Harding, CUPE Maritimes Regional Director

"I'm here for two reasons really. One is that I don't think the public service workers in the frontline, essential workers, whether they're unionized or not, have been recognized for the work they've done in this province. So that's one reason: I think they need a thank-you. They've held this province together during a pandemic. And the other reason is, I'm a mom of five, who has continued to say that I believe it's the government's responsibility to keep my children in this province and not tell them to go out to Alberta to get better wages. And I feel this fight that we're in now can impact us for generations to come. If we do not do something and invest in our public service here, and our public service workers, we'll continue to lose our children to other provinces, which has an impact. And I'm not willing as a mom to have my children dispersed all over North America because they're going to find a better job. I want them in this province. I would love that they work in the public service, and I want to encourage them. So that's the two reasons."

Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario

"I'm here from Ontario to show solidarity with our members in New Brunswick. What's happening here is incredibly inspiring because frontline workers, public sector workers are facing the same challenges. Whether we're in Ontario and New Brunswick, Alberta, across the country, we're the folks who got our communities through the pandemic, in incredibly stressful, difficult situations. And now, governments seem to think that somehow, we're the ones who should have to pay the price for that. And I'm so proud of our members here and the communities here for standing with them and organizing to say, ‘No, we're not going to stand for that anymore. We're going to demand better.'"

(Photo: NB Media Coop)

This article was published in

September 1, 2021 - No. 77

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