Reinstate Montreal Union President Aida Gonçalves!

Aida Gonçalves front and centre at a hotel workers' rally

The Quebec Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) reported that on July 23, the president of the Marriott Château Champlain hotel workers' union in Montreal was fired by her employer the week before. Aida Gonçalves had worked for the hotel for more than 30 years.

The union president was suspended, then fired, after workers carried out a "visibility campaign" in the hotel lobby on July 8 to demand the renewal of their collective agreement. Now the employer is refusing to negotiate with the union if its president is at the table.

This firing has taken place while hotel workers everywhere are in action in defence of their working conditions and their livelihood as hotel owners, while complaining of staff shortages, are refusing to respect the workers' right to recall and seniority as hotels reopen following the pandemic measures. On July 22, hotel workers in Quebec City demonstrated in front of the Delta and Hilton hotels, demanding a collective agreement which respects their right of recall and seniority retroactively to March 13, 2020. They are also asking for wage increases of 2.1 to four per cent for each year of a four-year collective agreement.

On July 22, Quebec hotel workers held a symbolic picket in front of the Hôtel PUR to express their solidarity with the 97 workers who were fired by the Hilton Metrotown Hotel in British Columbia, owned by DSDL Canada Investments, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hôtel PUR workers have also organized a letter-writing campaign directed to the hotel owners demanding that DSDL stop mistreating hotel workers across Canada and are providing financial aid for the fired and locked-out workers of Hilton Metrotown. The BC Federation of Labour has called for a boycott of the Hilton Metrotown, calling on all unionized customers to not do business with the hotel. A boycott was also instituted by the Alberta Federation of Labour of the Varscona, Mettera and Matrix hotels in Edmonton, also owned by DSDL.

Within this context, the firing of Aida Gonçalves must be condemned far and wide as a further attack on hotel workers across Canada and on the entire working class. She must be reinstated as a necessary step in obtaining a satisfactory collective agreement which treats workers with respect. As in other sectors such as health, staff shortages, where they exist, can only be resolved by improving working and living conditions, not by making them worse.

Hotel workers protest in Marriott Château Champlain lobby on July 8, 2021

(Photos: CSN)

This article was published in

August 13, 2021 - No. 69

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