Canadians' Demand for Status for All!

We Are One Working Class, One Humanity,
Waging One Struggle for the Rights of All

Workers' Forum congratulates all the workers and advocacy organizations such as Migrant Rights Network and Migrante Canada who held successful actions across Canada on the occasion of June 20, World Refugee Day, to once again give voice to Canadians' demand for Status for All! -- for refugees, students, migrant workers and undocumented people. It is clear that it is thanks to the workers who speak out and organize for the affirmation of the rights of all that the truth of what happens in Canada becomes known and together we can advance the fight for the rights of all.

Workers' Forum deeply appreciates the stand taken by Migrante Canada that the call for full and permanent immigration status is a call for an end to a system of deadly racialized exclusion from rights, protections and dignity; that the fight in defence of the rights of migrant workers is not simply a fight to demand rights under Canadian laws based on colonialism but a challenge to the violent and unfair nature of this whole system; that we must join together and demand that Canadian laws and policies do not force more people out of their homes anywhere.

According to the United Nations World Migration Report 2020, there were approximately 25.9 million refugees globally as of 2018. Palestinians registered with United Nations Relief organizations accounted for 5.5 million of that total. While 25.9 million is a large number, it is less than 10 per cent of the estimated 272 million international migrants in the world in 2019. Out of a global population of 7.7 billion, it means one in every 30 people on earth is an international migrant. Economic insecurity is the leading reason for people leave their homes, in search of employment and stability. War, violence and oppression is second to economic insecurity. This phenomenon of hundreds of millions compelled to become international migrants is clearly an expression of a global social order that rains catastrophe down upon the peoples of the world. This is the creation, out of economic insecurity, war, violence and oppression, of a pool of workers to be superexploited, and that superexploitation is cruelly being called "mobility of labour" which is considered a Charter Right in Canada and a fundamental human right.

These are living breathing human beings, with legitimate claims upon society to affirm and guarantee their rights wherever they are, not just where they were born. This situation is also the face of a new world in the making, which is coming into being, of the workers of all lands who, regardless of place of origin, exist as one working class in whichever country they are living. Migrants, regardless of the status imposed upon them, are part and parcel of the main force for humanizing the social and natural environment. They are "essential workers" as we have seen in Canada during the pandemic. It is in laying claim to that which belongs to them by virtue of being human and advancing the fight for the rights of all that societies will come into being which uphold the rights of all.

In Canada, internal migration is also a significant problem. More and more, workers are forced to leave their homes to find work elsewhere in the country because their industrial and service sectors, their local and regional economies have been wrecked by global narrow private interests. We have to step up our work also on this important issue.

We are one working class, one humanity, waging one struggle for the rights of all and for a human-centred system everywhere that upholds the rights and dignity of all human beings!

Sudbury, June 20, 2021

(Photos: WF, Sudbury Workers Education Centre, Migrant Workers Action for Change)

This article was published in

June 28, 2021 - No. 62

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