Unconscionable Attacks on Striking Exceldor and Olymel Workers in Quebec

Defend the Dignity and Rights of
Slaughterhouse Workers!

At this time, 1,200 workers at the Olymel pork slaughterhouse in Vallée-Jonction in the Beauce have been on strike since April 28, and 600 workers at the Exceldor chicken slaughterhouse in Saint-Anselme, Quebec, have also been on strike since May 23. The Vallée-Jonction workers report that since 2015 more than 1,800 workers have been hired at Olymel Vallée-Jonction and nearly 1,700 have left their jobs because the wages and working conditions are so bad. The workers are fighting for wages that they consider acceptable and that will keep workers at the plant. Many migrant workers are also employed in these two plants, as is the case in many meat packing plants in Canada.

The workers report that working conditions at the plant are unacceptable, particularly with regard to their health and safety. Exceldor workers point out that group insurance is also an issue in their strike, as it provides a level of financial protection when workers are injured or become ill and must be absent from work. These workers have been providing food for the population under the conditions of the pandemic, often at great risk to their health and lives. Their efforts to negotiate a new collective agreement and their strike reveal the urgent need for working conditions that guarantee their safety and that of the public. The experience of meat processing workers across Canada has shown that making their voices heard is essential to defending their rights and in defending lives and it is our duty to help them smash the silence on their situation and the dictatorial rule that keeps their conditions from being improved.

Far from showing a whit of concern for the workers, the Quebec and federal governments do not recognize any of what the workers are saying or experiencing. Quebec Premier François Legault and his Labour Minister Jean Boulet can't get a sentence out without talking about "labour shortages," which they say is one of the main problems with the economy, and yet they slander these workers who are addressing this problem with their demands and their strike.

The Quebec and federal governments and the media have decreed that the issue with this strike is "food waste," namely the euthanasia of chickens that cannot be sent to the slaughterhouse. What kind of governments pit euthanized chickens against human beings? If they do not want euthanized chickens then take care of the human beings and there will be no euthanized chickens. The workers are not the ones harming the food supply. These workers are considered non-persons who do not even deserve the most basic things including proper wages, working conditions and peace of mind and are not allowed to speak out by fighting for their demands. This shows that the fight of all humanity today is the fight for the right to be of human beings. Without this, without the dignity of all human beings, talk of guaranteeing the food supply or meeting any need of the society in any way, shape or form means nothing.

The Quebec government has called for binding arbitration in the dispute at Exceldor, which workers and the union have refused because it would mean ending their strike and imposing a non-negotiated settlement. Premier François Legault said, "Nobody should have the right to waste such huge amounts of food so foolishly. It's indecent," and he called on the union to accept arbitration. His Minister of Agriculture, André Lamontagne, called for "a sense of civic duty" from workers and the union, adding that they have a "moral responsibility" to Quebecers. Federal Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau said, "This cannot go on. Frankly, it's intolerable to let food animals be slaughtered for no purpose," urging the union to accept arbitration.

Attacking those who produce social wealth and deliver services, who feed and protect the
population, and trying to turn the people against them is criminal. Using the prerogative powers of government executives and state agencies to attack and silence workers makes all the problems worse. We have seen this starkly with the ministerial orders which have been imposed on health and social services workers in Quebec since March 2020. These have accelerated the wrecking of the health care system by imposing untenable conditions on staff and attempting to silence them. The voice of workers is essential for solving problems, defending their rights and the rights of all and defending lives. That is what the Exceldor and Olymel workers are fighting for.

Workers' Forum calls on all workers to step up joint efforts to denounce the attacks that are being launched by governments, the media and others against these striking workers and all workers, especially the most vulnerable who are forced to fend for themselves. The fight of theslaughterhouse workers is a fight for the rights and dignity of all.

This article was published in

June 23, 2021 - No. 60

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