June 20
Join Cross-Country Day of Action

Permanent Status for All!

June 20 is World Refugee Day. It was so designated by the United Nations in 2001 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. In Canada, the Migrant Rights Network of migrant advocacy organizations and Migrante Canada are marking this occasion to once again give voice to Canadians' demand for Status for All! -- for refugees, students, migrant workers and undocumented people.

The call for full and permanent immigration status is a call for an end to a system of deadly racialized exclusion from rights, protections and dignity, Migrante Canada points out. Referring to the colonial relations Canada maintains with the Indigenous peoples and the crime of genocide committed against them, Migrante writes, amongst other things:

"While Canada was created from theft of land, it now imposes immigration rules to deny rights to us. Primarily racialized and working class migrants are excluded from protections and benefits so that our work can be devalued for the profit of the super rich.

"This week also marks one year since the deaths of Bonifacio Eugenio Romero and Rogelio Muñoz Santos. Virtually nothing has been done to ensure no more migrant farm workers die preventable deaths. Already in 2021, at least nine farm workers have died, six of them in federally regulated quarantine.

"The call for full and permanent immigration status is a call for an end to a system of deadly racialized exclusion from rights, protections and dignity. As migrants, we must demand an end to colonial violence within Canada and throw our support behind struggles for Indigenous rights and liberation.

"We are not simply asking for rights under Canadian laws based on colonialism -- we must challenge the violent and unfair nature of this whole system. We must join together and demand that Canadian laws and policies do not force more people out of their homes anywhere.

"That is why on June 20th -- World Refugee Day and Father's Day -- we will take action for full and permanent immigration status for all."

"Join or organize an action on June 20th near you!

"Together, we will win!"

Join in actions taking place across the country on June 20. Visit the website of the organizers to find out about and support events in your area: MigrantRights.ca.

This article was published in

 June 18, 2021 - No. 58

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Website:  www.cpcml.ca   Email:  editor@cpcml.ca