The CLC Convention Gets Underway

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is holding its 29th Constitutional Convention from June 16 to 18. The theme of the Convention is "Defining the Future." The Convention will be virtual over the three days, held between 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Eastern Time. Prior to opening, the number of registered delegates and observers was 4,224: four CLC officers; 3,726 delegates from affiliates and union locals; 120 delegates from Federations of Labour and Labour Councils and 374 observers.

A video and President's address will open the Convention June 16. The Canadian Council of the CLC will then deliver its report followed by discussion and adoption of resolutions and four policy papers.

The four policy papers of the 29th CLC Convention are presented under the title "Defining the Future: From Pandemic to Promise."

The four papers are entitled:

1. A Democratic Agenda
2. A Good Jobs Agenda
3. A Climate Action Agenda
4. A Human Rights Agenda

The second day will feature an election forum for candidates seeking the positions of President, two Executive Vice-Presidents and Secretary-Treasurer. The elections will take place on the final day June 18.

Current CLC officers are:

Hassan Yussuff, President
Marie Clarke Walker, Secretary-Treasurer
Donald Lafleur, Executive Vice-President
Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice-President

CLC President Hassan Yussuff is not running for re-election and is retiring. Secretary-Treasurer Marie Clarke Walker is also not running for re-election. 

Larry Rousseau is running for re-election as Executive Vice-President.

It is important to note that UNIFOR, the largest private sector union in Canada with a membership of 310,000 does not have any delegates at the CLC Convention. In January 2018, UNIFOR announced that it would cease its affiliation to the CLC. UNIFOR was founded in 2013, through a merger of the Canadian Autoworkers (CAW) and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union (CEP). The CEP was originally created in 1992 through the merger of the Canadian Paperworkers Union, the Communications and Electrical Workers of Canada and the Energy and Chemical Workers Union. The 29th Constitutional Convention of the CLC is the first Convention that does not have any delegates from UNIFOR which at previous conventions made up at least 10 per cent of the total delegates.

This article was published in

June 16, 2021 - No. 57

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