Industrial and Public Sector Workers Hold Vigil at Quebec National Assembly

Workers Speak Out Against the Dismantling of the Occupational Health and Safety Regime

From the morning of May 31 to 5:00 pm on June 2, a period of 59 hours, hundreds of workers participated in a vigil in front of the National Assembly in Quebec City to prevent the adoption of the Quebec government's Bill 59, An Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime. Statements issued during the vigil all rejected the bill as unacceptable. Bill 59, if passed, would dramatically reduce access to treatment and compensation for workers injured or made ill on the job in order to save employers more than $4 billion over ten years. The bill gives unilateral power to employers to determine workplace prevention and health programs, the hours that will be devoted to prevention, how the joint health and safety committees will operate, and many other aspects of the system.

The unions and defence organizations of injured workers that participated in the vigil included the United Steelworkers - Quebec, the Union des travailleuses et travailleurs accidentés ou malades (UTTAM), the Canadian Union of Public Employees - Quebec, Unifor, the Union of Quebec Government Professionals, the Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS), the Quebec Union of Service Employees (SQEES) and many others. Central labour bodies including the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ), the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN) and the Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (CSD) were also present on a regular basis at the vigil.

ArcelorMittal workers join vigil against Bill 59, June 1, 2021

 Striking Olymel Vallée-Jonction workers participate in vigil, June 2, 2021

On June 1, about 200 fly-in fly-out workers on strike at ArcelorMittal on Quebec's North Shore came to participate in the vigil. On June 2, 200 Olymel workers on strike in Vallée-Jonction in Beauce region came to participate. These workers clearly indicated that one of the important aspects of their strikes is health and safety conditions at the work sites, notably ArcelorMittal's refusal to make the necessary investments to make the sites and equipment safe and Olymel's demands for health and safety concessions. They stated that they are fighting against the dictate of these monopolies and explained that the situation would only get worse if Bill 59, which strengthens the power of the employers in the name of "modernization," is adopted.

Participants in the vigil spent a lot of time talking to people on the street to explain what the legislation is and why it must be defeated. They also spoke to members of the National Assembly, explaining their position and asking them not to pass this bill. This followed weeks of activity by union activists who phoned or held virtual meetings with MLAs in their ridings and regions to present their position and ask them to take a stand against the bill and in defence of workers' health and safety.

Months of actions and mobilization against this dismantling of the health and safety regime have made it now virtually impossible for the National Assembly to pass the bill before the legislature adjourns for the summer on June 11. Bill 59 amends two major pieces of legislation, the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases and the Act respecting occupational health and safety. The clause-by-clause review of the bill by the Committee on Labour and the Economy has not even started to address the sections relating to the second Act.

Workers learned on June 1 that the Committee would not be sitting on June 1 and 2 as scheduled. The surreal climate in which the government is manoeuvring was well expressed at the May 31 meeting of the committee when Labour Minister Jean Boulet said he appreciated that everyone, both supporters and opponents of the bill, recognized the "legitimacy" of Bill 59. He added that if he could be convinced that the bill needed to be improved, he would do so! This at a time when hundreds of workers were demonstrating nearby to declare that his bill will destroy lives and is unacceptable from top to bottom.

These pathetic statements who are showing that government ministers are the servants of narrow private interests speak volumes about the disconnect between what is called the public authority, which is exercising prerogative powers on behalf of the rich, and the public, the workers who do the work and keep the economy going. Workers have the right to safe and healthy working conditions and to have all the services they need for care, rehabilitation, compensation and re-training if they get injured or sick on the job, paid for by those who buy their capacity to work.

The options available to the government as the current session of the National Assembly draws to a close are to continue clause-by-clause consideration by the Committee at the end of the summer or in September when the National Assembly reconvenes to force the passage of the bill under closure, to withdraw it altogether or to let it die on the order paper.

The Coalition Avenir Québec government would do well to think twice before using closure or going back to clause-by-clause consideration. The collective actions of workers will not stop, because lives are at stake. The mobilization of the last few months and the collective action of the vigil has made workers more confident and more determined to be effective by speaking out on what changes are needed that favour themselves and society. Bill 59 must be withdrawn. No reform of the occupational health and safety system can be made without workers having a decisive say and without the reform being based on their demands, their rights and their needs.

Workers' Forum fully supports all the actions that Quebec workers are taking to make their voices heard and create public opinion for the defeat of Bill 59.

(Photos: CSN, FTQ)

This article was published in

 June 4, 2021 - No. 53

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