Workers Reject Having Their Rights Trampled in the Mud

Quebec Public Sector Workers Strike Against Government Dictate on Wages and Working Conditions

Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, May 26, 2021

Quebec teachers, support staff at public schools, education specialists and health care workers are holding a series of one to two-day strikes to back their right to negotiate collective agreements with the Quebec government that improve their wages, working conditions and the services they provide to the public. Public sector workers reject with contempt the government's neo-liberal decree that it has the "right" to dictate their wages and working conditions and deprive them of their rights. 

The Quebec government's dictate of a wage increase of five per cent over three years plus certain lump sums is an insult not only to public sector workers but to all workers throughout Quebec and Canada. The dictate tramples on the right of all workers to negotiate the price of their capacity to work that employers buy and to improve the working conditions they face every working day. These conditions include the growing prevalence of precarious work, in particular at the colleges, which workers are determined to eliminate.

The government dictate does not raise wages to keep pace with the cost of living or contribute to pensions. It fails in general to make any dent in the decades of neo-liberal attacks on the wages and working conditions of working people.

The dictate refuses to increase investments in social programs and public services. Failure to invest in social programs and public services has been cruelly exposed by the pandemic as disastrous for society. Public sector workers and their collectives have long said that wages, pensions and working conditions which workers deem acceptable are key not only to attract and retain workers but to improve the social programs and public services the people need and have a right to in a modern cultured society.

Investments in social programs and public services add value to the economy and improve the social and natural environment. To arrogantly declare, as the government does, that investments in social programs and public services, including the wages of those who do the work, are "costs" that the government cannot bear is neo-liberal nonsense and disinformation. These investments result in added value for the economy and society. They are important aspects of nation-building and to say and act otherwise is to be exposed as anti-people nation-wreckers.

To deprive workers and the people generally of their rights and needs through government decree reveals that the ruling elite is unfit to govern! It must not pass and will not pass! All out to support the public sector workers in their just struggle!

(Photos: CSN)

This article was published in

May 28, 2021 - No. 50

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