Attempts to Get Away with Defamation in the Name of Opposing Hate

A serious issue at this time in Ontario is the use of amorphous terms like "hate" or "anti-Semitism" to defame and silence people who speak out against Israel's occupation of Palestine and who advocate for Palestinian rights. It is also extended to apply more broadly to matters of war and occupation. Educators in particular are being targeted, with the allegation that by opposing Israel's occupation or even sharing information which clearly opposes occupation in a general sense, they are spreading "hate" and anti-Semitism. These allegations are then used to trigger police powers to either suspend educators from work or prevent them from getting work. 

In most cases the charges are not substantiated but the damage is done by inciting suspicion about them and by trying to make educators reluctant to stand up for what they believe on all fronts. This is what defamation is all about: those who have seized control of public institutions have the power to  act as "judge, jury and executioner." By imposing criteria for judgement based on personal views and opinions or views and opinions which accord with those demanded by self-serving narrow private interests, they are destroying lives with impunity. The same is taking place wherever notions of "political correctness" or accusations of what is called "cultural appropriation" are imposed. First the individuals are defamed and simultaneously deprived of due process and even of their livelihoods. Defamation is a medieval practice which violates fundamental common law principles which do not permit people to be "outlawed." To be "outlawed" means the person is subjected to "civil death." To be deprived of civil rights means you can be  treated as "fair game" -- as animals which can be shot during one of the King's hunting parties in his "Great Forests." It must not pass!

In a recent example, on May 22 the Toronto Sun published an editorial by Sue-Ann Levy that targeted an educator with the Toronto District School Board who had provided a compilation of resources for teachers to use for teaching about the Israel/Palestine conflict. It was clearly based on informing educators about the rights of the Palestinian people as an occupied people and their experience living under Israeli occupation. The resources were provided as part of an opt-in Gender-Based Violence Mailing List run by the educator through which he provided regular information for teachers.[1]

The compilation included information on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign of opposition to the Israeli occupation. In the article Levy made clear her problem was with the political views of the educator, stating that their personal Facebook account contained "pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel posts,” as if such positions were somehow illegal, or evidence of criminality and proof that her defamation of the educator was justified. The article states that "An educator with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is under investigation after he allegedly sent a virulently anti-Israel manual out to teachers that suggests a documentary and a book about a terrorist, recommends children's books that characterize Israelis as thieves and murderers, and gives advice on how to teach students about the hateful Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel."

The TDSB has launched an investigation and has removed the educator from their duties while it takes place. A petition was issued almost immediately in support of the educator in question by colleagues, showing that such attempts to silence those who speak out will never be accepted. The petition is reprinted below.

Another recent case involves the allegation that Dr. Valentina Azarova had her initial offer of employment revoked by the University of Toronto as a result of her past work on war crimes by Israel and its violations of human rights, especially on the question of the building of settlements. As a result of these actions academics have taken stands to not participate in events organized at U of T and a number of organizations have ended their partnership with the university as a way to support Dr. Azarova and show their opposition to attempts to silence criticism of the occupation by academics.[2]

Those who stand for freedom of conscience and against occupation cannot accept that educators become subject to tests of conscience about their views on Israel's ongoing occupation, whether in the name of opposing hatred or anti-Semitism or any other justification. When educators model what it means to stand up for one's beliefs, to speak out against injustice and to be leaders in society, it provides the youth with confidence that they can do the same.


1. The Mailing List "includes resources, event announcements and other news and articles related to gender-based violence prevention, sexual violence prevention and healthy relationships using a critical anti-racist, intersectional, and decolonial framework that call out anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. These resources use a power analysis and support critical thinking and action on transforming conditions that enable harm and creating ones that promote healing, care, dignity and liberation. These resources aim to support 2SLGBTQ+ youth with multiple identities and belonging to BLACK, INDIGENOUS, RACIALIZED and DISABLED communities. They are in support of Indigenous sovereignty, Indigenous self-determination and LAND BACK."

2. Other examples include:

In 2016 Nadia Shoufani, a teacher at St. Catherine of Siena Separate School in Mississauga, was suspended pending further investigation after she spoke at a rally in support of the Palestinian people. The incident was referred to the Ontario College of Teachers for investigation and review after groups such as B'nai Brith and Canadian Jewish Advocacy went all out to try and punish Shoufani for her statements and for being outspoken. For example, speaking on behalf of Canadian Jewish Advocacy, Berl Nadler, Co-Chair of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) in the GTA stated, "We applaud the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board for taking decisive action by suspending Shoufani. We are appreciative that [Mississauga] Mayor Crombie and other officials have been sensitive to our concerns and responsive in this serious matter. It is disturbing to think that someone who is entrusted with the responsibilities of a teacher would be among the leading voices at a toxic, anti-Semitic event like Al-Quds Day."

"We have already filed a complaint with the Ontario College of Teachers, and will be following up to urge the College to take meaningful action in this case," added Joel Reitman, Co-Chair of CIJA in the GTA. "We are particularly concerned that a teacher with a record of such extreme activism would be in a position to transmit her noxious worldview in the classroom, and are hopeful that the College will take steps to mitigate this risk."

In response to the complaint Liz Stuart, president of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association, the union representing Shoufani, said, "A teacher should never have to worry that their professional reputation will be attacked in an effort to prevent them from exercising their right to free expression [...] Ms. Shoufani was expressing herself as a private citizen." (Emphasis added.)

In 2007 a teacher in the TDSB was subjected to a witch hunt after a national media campaign was launched against him because he had put forward a motion for his provincial union to endorse the BDS movement. His school board was pressured into investigating him, while no accusations were ever formally presented to the teacher. He was moved out of the school to teach from home while a formal investigation proceeded. The investigation involved interviewing his students to try and see if he had been "promoting hate" in the classroom. After the Board turned up nothing to substantiate their fishing expedition, students defended the teacher and even started a petition to have him brought back.

This article was published in

May 26, 2021 - No. 49

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