Reflection on April Labour Force Survey

Starkly missing in the Statcan April Labour Force Survey is any analysis of why these problems in the economy just keeping repeating themselves without solution. The only variation in the reporting is a number of percentage points here and there. Month after month the Labour Force Survey churns out much the same material differing only in the severity of the problems at hand such as those related to the pandemic and recurring economic crises.

The ruling elite of the oligarchy who exercise control over the economy are not just incapable of solving problems but relish the difficulties they cause the working people. The problems, such as unemployment, are the very things that weaken the working class and set the stage for making maximum profit.

The ruling elite are in control of the economy yet refuse to take the problems seriously because to do so is not in their private interests. The problems generally emerge from the contradiction between the socialized nature of the modern productive forces and the control and ownership of those productive forces by competing oligarchs and their cartels. Why would the ruling elite take any serious measures regarding those problems when that would lead to a weakening of their control and making of maximum profit, and a strengthening of the working class and its struggle for its rights and claims?

The people who do the work and suffer the problems have to gain control of the economy and all those issues that affect their lives. They have an interest in solving problems because solutions would serve their interests and the advance of the economy and society generally. Solving problems would open a path towards resolution of the basic contradiction between socialized production and its disparate competing private control.

Solutions to the problems are found in the organized working class fighting for its rights and claims and forcing solutions on the ruling oligarchy and wresting control of the economy from its hands.

Whose Economy? The Working People's Economy!
Who Decides? The People Who Do the Work Must Decide!
Who Controls? We the Working People!

This article was published in

May 17, 2021 - No. 45

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