Simon Fraser University's Research into
Trans Mountain Project

Protest outside the Vancouver offices of the federal Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, March 18, 2021.

Researchers at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver have proved what many suspected from the beginning: the Trudeau government purchase of Trans Mountain (TM) pipeline and the rights to construct a twin pipeline (TMEP) were from the get-go schemes to pay the rich and further integrate Alberta heavy oil into the U.S. war economy.

The researchers write: "The Government of Canada has provided no publicly accessible evaluation of its decision to purchase TM and build TMEP. Given the magnitude of the public expenditure ($4.4 billion to purchase TM from Kinder Morgan and the currently estimated $12.6 billion cost to build TMEP), the failure to provide a public evaluation is contrary to accepted principles of public accountability."

The SFU researchers write in conclusion:

"Our financial impact analysis concludes that escalating capital costs, new climate change policies, and construction delays will negatively impact the financial viability of TMEP. The Government of Canada's purchase of TM, completion of TMEP, and eventual divestment of the pipeline system will result in a net financial loss to the federal government (and to taxpayers) between $2.1 billion and $6.9 billion.

"... Our full project BCA (Benefit Cost Analysis) concludes that the decision to approve and build TMEP will result in a net cost to Canada under base case assumptions of $11.9 billion. The net cost estimates range between $8.3 billion and $18.5 billion and there is no likely scenario in which TMEP will generate a net benefit to Canada.

"... The project completion BCA, which assesses the benefits and cost of completing the partially built TMEP by omitting sunk costs, shows that completing construction of TMEP will result in net cost to Canada between $3.2 billion and $13.3 billion. Therefore, continuing construction of TMEP is not in Canada's public interest and TMEP should be shelved."

(Photos: WF, Climate Convergence)

This article was published in

April 12, 2021 - No. 27

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