Sorry Tale of the Trans Mountain Pipeline
Expansion Project

Vancouver demonstration in opposition to the Trans Mountain expansion following the Trudeau government's announced purchase of the pipeline, September 8, 2018.

Opposition to the Trudeau government's purchase of the Trans Mountain pipeline and the construction of a twin pipeline, the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP), is growing in intensity with opponents bravely facing the violence of the state. The resistance has been bolstered by recent economic research carried out at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver that proves the government purchase was a scam from the beginning and the construction is a colossal waste of public money, not to speak of the environmental damage it portends and the trampling of Indigenous rights.

The Trudeau government used mass media disinformation to push through its scheme to purchase Trans Mountain from Kinder Morgan in 2018 for $4.4 billion. Cries that it was necessary to move Alberta oil to tidewater to make it available to purchasers in Asia permeated the monopoly-owned media. TML Weekly spoke up against it, pointing out that the entire thing was a scam to pay the rich and further integrate Canada into the U.S. war economy. The government did not permit the discussion of any alternative. It did not explain why the mainly U.S. investors in Kinder Morgan were eager to sell Trans Mountain and the TMEP and what possible good would come from a government purchase. Hysteria was spread suggesting the Alberta ruling elite would revolt and seek to secede if the project were rejected.

The government, as representatives of the global oligarchs, orchestrated an atmosphere that promoted its plan to pay anxious Kinder Morgan investors and funnel billions to construction cartels. The mainly U.S. investors were relieved of a 65-year-old pipeline and an expansion project doomed as a money loser from the start; and global construction cartels were happy to receive billion dollar cost-plus contracts to boost their fortunes. The deal would assure Alberta heavy oil for the numerous refineries in Washington State and California, which supply the energy needs of the U.S. military's massive presence stretching from Puget Sound just south of Canada to San Diego just north of Mexico and across the Pacific to Asia.

Through the pipeline project, the government handed lucrative cost-plus contracts to global construction cartels such as Ledcor. As with all government-contracted projects that pay private global cartels to construct public infrastructure, the original estimate and agreed price of production has ballooned -- in this case from $5.4 billion when it was unveiled by Kinder Morgan in 2014 to the current estimate of $12.6 billion -- and exposed the project as yet another sordid pay-the-rich scheme. In human terms, the construction has already cost one worker his life and injured others, resulted in the beating and jailing of protesters, and seen the refusal to negotiate nation-to-nation agreements with the many Indigenous peoples along the route.

Not in Canada's Public Interest! Shelve the Project!

After an extensive benefit cost analysis, including looking at possible benefits to the private energy monopolies, the researchers at Simon Fraser University conclude emphatically, "continuing construction of TMEP is not in Canada's public interest and TMEP should be shelved."

While the Simon Fraser study does not deal with the issue of Canada's integration into the U.S. war economy, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) concurs with its conclusion. It corroborates working people's experience that such pay-the-rich schemes are a scourge on the country and examples of the corruption and criminality of the ruling elite who are not fit to govern. Canadians have a social responsibility to sever the ties that bind our resources and many sectors of the economy to the U.S. war machine. A new direction is possible, one that uses the country's bountiful natural resources for the common good of humanity beginning with a self-reliant peaceful economy under the control of Canadians that utilizes the value to humanize the social and natural environment and not destroy it.

(Photos: WF, D. Sprenger, A. Appledorf)

This article was published in

April 12, 2021 - No. 27

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