Public Infrastructure to Pay the Rich

The U.S. and Canadian governments are ramping up pay-the-rich schemes surrounding infrastructure projects and the military. They openly speak of aggressively competing and even going to war with those countries such as China that are rapidly transforming their economies from petty to industrial mass production and lifting their peoples out of poverty and introducing modern education.

President Biden is pushing through Congress a $2.3 trillion infrastructure scheme to pay the rich, in addition to his already gigantic military budget. The upcoming Trudeau/Freeland federal budget is expected to contain similar plans to augment the police and military powers and fund infrastructure projects to pay the rich and, in doing so, borrow billions from global institutional moneylenders who will drain value out of the economy and Canada for decades to come.

It is important to take stock of what these infrastructure projects are and redouble our efforts to oppose pay-the-rich schemes as well as the militarization of the economy and the nefarious consequences of its integration into the U.S. economy and the U.S. imperialist striving for world hegemony.

Organize for a New Direction for the Economy!
Self-Reliance and Control by Canadians Is the Way to Go!
Stop Paying the Rich!
Increase Investments in Social Programs!
Make Canada a Zone for Peace by Establishing an Anti-War Government!

This article was published in

 April 12, 2021 - No. 27

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