Quebec Teachers Provide Themselves with Strike Mandates
to Compel the Government to Negotiate

All Out to Support the Teachers' Fight for Their Rights and a Human-Centred Education System!

The 122,000 teachers in Quebec's school service centres (formerly school boards) have given themselves strike mandates to compel the government to negotiate and meet their demands for the renewal of their collective agreements which expired on March 30, 2020. The two teachers' federations representing preschool, elementary, secondary, vocational and adult education teachers -- the Federation of Teachers' Unions (FSE-CSQ) and the Autonomous Teachers' Federation (FAE) -- have reached the conclusion that the government is intent on dictating their working conditions and wages. CEGEP teachers and support and professional staff who are members of the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) have also given themselves a strike mandate, starting with a one-day strike on March 30, if the government does not provide additional resources to improve their working conditions. The government is using the pandemic as an opportunity to impose conditions on teachers that they consider unacceptable and to attempt to silence them. The teachers reject this dictate and are demanding a negotiated solution based on their demands for a significant improvement in their working conditions, which are the learning conditions of young people.

Workers' Forum firmly supports the teachers' struggle for their rights and calls on all workers to give them their full support. In fighting for the conditions they need to teach and for their right to determine those conditions, they are defending society against the rule by decree of government executives serving narrow private interests. If teachers decide that they have no choice but to go on strike to break the impasse, let us give them all the support we can.

This article was published in

March 29, 2021 - No. 23

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