Faculty Association Launches Online Petition

The following petition was initiated by the Laurentian University Faculty Association to mobilize public support for the demands of faculty, staff, students and the community to end the CCAA process and provide proper funding for the university.

"Dear Premier Ford, Prime Minister Trudeau, and Ministers Romano and Joly,

I am writing to affirm that Laurentian University is a public institution, not a private sector corporation. As such, I urge you to provide the necessary short-term and long-term funding so that we can put an end to Laurentian's insolvency and stop these inappropriate and costly legal proceedings.

As you know, Laurentian University is a public post-secondary institution with a tri-cultural mandate to support French, English, and Indigenous communities. As a result, both the provincial and federal levels of government have a responsibility to help ensure that Laurentian has the operating funds needed to secure the institution's future.

The root source of Laurentian University's financial problems is a lack of transparent and accountable institutional governance that has resulted in arbitrary, unilateral decisions being made behind closed doors. The Laurentian University Faculty Association has repeatedly raised concerns about the secretive and non-consultative approach the university administration has taken to making important financial decisions. These decisions, combined with the steady erosion of public funding, have now put the future of Laurentian University, its programs, students' educations, and jobs at risk.

The provincial government has five representatives on the Board of Governors who should have been providing oversight and good governance. Instead, they joined with the senior administration and other Board members in making irresponsible financial decisions.

Faculty, staff, and students should not have to pay the price for the poor governance practices of an underfunded public institution.

Therefore, I call on the provincial and federal governments to immediately step up and provide the long-term operating funding needed to secure the future of Laurentian University and put an end to these needless insolvency proceedings. In addition, I call on the provincial government to remove its appointees to the Laurentian University Board of Governors, who have clearly neglected their duties and responsibilities.

To sign the petition, click here.

(Photo: OSSTF)

This article was published in

March 26, 2021 - No. 22

Article Link:


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