Government's Disrespect for Health Workers

On March 4, following the British government's budget announcement, the Department for Health and Social Security (DHSC) revealed that it had recommended to the National Health Service (NHS) pay-review body only a one per cent lower than inflation increase for NHS staff for 2021-2022. The government says they will "wait for the response from the independent pay review bodies before we announce the pay settlement."

This decision follows an upsurge last year when the government attempted to split the ranks of the workers by giving an above-inflation pay rise to 900,000 public workers but not health workers.

In the days following the announcement there has been increasing opposition from health workers and their trade unions that this not only fails to recognize the contribution of all health workers during the pandemic, but also because the pay "increase" will amount to a cut in pay for NHS staff in real terms. In addition, the government has now frozen the pay of other public sector workers. To add insult to injury, all the caregivers and those playing a vital role in the pandemic have had their pay and conditions ignored as well.

"This Government offer is equivalent to one cup of coffee per week!" one of the unions pointed out.

The recommendation by the government to the Pay Review body covers some 1.5 million health staff in NHS England, Scotland, Wales and the north of Ireland. The recommendation does not cover over 160,000 staff who work for agencies, or who have contracted-out employment. It also does not cover an estimated 1.65 million staff working as carers in care homes and in adult social care. Doctors, dentists and very senior managers in the NHS have separate pay review arrangements.

The recommendation says that, during the pandemic, "the government announced a pause in public sector pay rises for all workforces, with an exception for employees with basic full-time equivalent salaries of £24,000 or under and for the NHS. In settling the DHSC and NHS budget, the government assumed a headline pay award of one per cent for NHS staff. Anything higher would require re-prioritization."

While the government claims that this is because COVID-19 "has placed a huge strain on both public and NHS finances," the real issue is its direction of using "both public and NHS finances" to pay the rich. The present and previous governments have cut NHS services and public services whilst contracting out more and more services to private corporations. During the pandemic, this has seen vast sums being paid out to private individuals and corporations, private interests which the government has been keen to include more and more in the health and social care system. This is the capital-centred prioritization that the government is following and which it is trying to justify over their lack of investment in the human resources of a publicly provided NHS service.

In the House of Commons, only Jeremy Corbyn, now an independent MP, highlighted the necessity to pay NHS staff properly and the outrageous payments to private corporations: "Nurses have seen us through this crisis and have saved many lives, yet they are offered a pay cut as a result of it. Some are already having to resort to food banks to survive, and a third are thinking of leaving the profession unless they get a decent pay rise. Surely to goodness, if £37 billion can be found to pay Serco for a failed track and trace system, the money must be available to pay NHS staff properly," Corbyn said on March 10.

According to the Minister of State for the DHSC, "every one per cent increase will cost the taxpayer £750 million." He indicated that the government is already planning further tax hikes and other ways of charging to pass the burden of the crisis onto the people, whilst they continue to pay the rich. They are also planning to push through further legislation on the NHS as set out in the government's NHS White Paper which has the same aim.

Health workers reject these self-serving arguments and continue to express their determination that solutions be implemented that can alleviate the crisis for the benefit of all.

(Photos: WW, A. Johannes)

This article was published in

March 24, 2021 - No. 21

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