Workers' Resistance in Britain to Anti-Social Offensive

Workers Step Up Opposition to Widespread Use of "Fire and Rehire" Methods

The method of "fire and rehire," where workers are re-contracted on unfavourable terms under threat of termination of employment, or in other cases forced to re-apply for their positions, has become a widespread phenomenon in Britain particularly over the past year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its use is now so extensive that opposition to it is being taken up by various unions, the Trade Union Central (TUC), and in Parliament.

Some one in 11 (nine per cent) of over 2,000 workers polled for the TUC last November had experienced the tactic in some form. The poll also found that this doubles (18 per cent) for workers aged 18 to 24 years old. Black and national minority workers were also disproportionately affected (15 per cent).

Fire and rehire is a method being used to marginalize workers and prevent workers from meaningfully expressing any kind of opposition to their conditions. It is akin to the overt rule by police powers.

The newspaper Workers' Weekly points out:

"Part and parcel of the anti-social offensive, a general disequilibrium exists in the social relation between those who work and those who employ them, the owners and controllers of business and the economy as a whole.

"This disequilibrium exists both at the level of society and in individual workplaces, where employment relations have become entirely one-sided, under the absolute control of the employer. Without equilibrium, there is social disruption and chaos. All that exists is the one-sided relation dominated by competing powerful interests.

"Imposition and arbitrariness are features of this situation and amount to a refusal by those in control to recognize the right of workers to negotiate collective agreements; as such, they amount to an attempt to render workers and their unions powerless to resist.

"Recognition of this right is a starting point for regaining an equilibrium in a workplace and contributes to bringing about an equilibrium in society as a whole. People have a right to an equilibrium at work and in general to be able to live and work with a degree of security and without a constant and increasing sense of anxiety."

The reason for this state of affairs is ultimately the highly efficient and sophisticated nature of the modern socialized economy and its fragmented ownership into privately-owned competing parts, showing up as a dwindling rate of return on investment for the owners of capital.

These owners claim their profit, or added-value, from the new value created by the working class. Modern business, in order to compete, invests large amounts of capital in automated machinery, computers, and other means of production, giving rise to an economy that is so productive that a vast social product, in the form of goods and services, is produced with relatively few workers contributing work-time compared to the past.

As a result, a given commodity typically holds far less new value than the pre-existing old value transferred to it by machinery and so on. In this way, increasing productivity has greatly reduced the amount of new value produced in relation to transferred-value, the social product, and the total invested capital.

In the present, powerful global oligarchies are driven by ever fiercer competition to maximize their claims on the new value produced by the working class to counter the falling rate of return, to the point that now they cannot countenance any opposition and are demanding total control of every aspect of the economy, politics and the social relation in which they stand with the workers they employ, altogether taking the form of the anti-social offensive.

It is therefore significant that the unions are stepping up resistance. The arrogance with which the owners of capital act with impunity through their offensive against the social interest and any pro-social arrangements calls into question their traditional and legal position of authority.

This article was published in

March 24, 2021 - No. 21

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