Interview with United Steelworkers' Mining Sector Representative

"The Government Cannot Deny What Workers Have Done for 40 Years to Defend Occupational Health and Safety"

- André Racicot -

André Racicot is President of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 9291 which represents, among others, workers at Iamgold's Westwood Mine in Preissac in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region of Quebec.

Workers' Forum: How do you assess Bill 59 in relation to the right of workers to healthy and safe working conditions?

André Racicot: You have to remember that the current law, the Act respecting occupational health and safety, recognizes four prevention mechanisms: the health program, the prevention program, the health and safety committee and the prevention representative. Currently more than 80 per cent of workers are not covered by these programs. The bill extends these to almost all sectors of the economy, but with Bill 59 the government weakens all these provisions in terms of workers' decision-making power by increasing the power of employers.

For example, the health program that is established for specific establishments is eliminated and incorporated into the prevention program. The current health program aims, for example, to prevent work accidents and occupational diseases in a given establishment. Currently, the union must agree to the health program through its participation in the joint health and safety committee, and the physicians of the Public Health Network in Occupational Health (RSPSAT) must also adopt it. From now on, with Bill 59, employers will have all the power to determine the content of the prevention program and the health program, now incorporated into the prevention program, without the input and support of the unions and without any medical advice, because the specialized physicians of the RSPSAT are also excluded from the process. According to the bill, if there is no agreement between the unions and the employer, the employer alone will decide on the prevention program.

The bill also introduces the concept of multi-facility. According to the bill, it will now be possible for employers with several establishments to set up a single prevention program, a single health and safety committee and a single prevention representative for all of their establishments. For example, if we take the example of health care, there may be dozens of health care institutions in the same region. The prevention representative could have to cover all the institutions, covering long distances, instead of each institution having its own representative. In addition, the bill cuts prevention hours. If there is no agreement between the employer and the union, the employer decides on the hours and we have no recourse to challenge that. It is obvious that the only reason the bill cuts prevention hours is to save money for employers instead of saving lives.

At the level of the joint health and safety committees, workers will no longer have access to the information they used to have, for example, on the dangerous products used by the company. This information will now be in the hands of the employer. Employers have asked for this.

By an amendment to Bill 59 tabled by the government, the government is proposing to remove the arbitrary risk assessment in different sectors, which meant that prevention mechanisms applied according to the level of risk.[1] Bill 59 expands prevention mechanisms to most sectors, but the issue of reducing the hours of prevention representatives and health and safety committees remains and the ultimate decision is in the hands of employers.

WF: Given everything you have just said, how would you characterize this Legault government bill?

AR: In my opinion, this bill is a major setback in all our conditions. If I look at the experience of workers in my sector, the mining sector, the figures show that fatalities have dropped significantly over the last 40 years because of the interventions that workers have made to get employers to adopt measures to improve health and safety in the workplace. One death is one too many, but no one can deny that our interventions have been successful. With this bill, it will be more and more difficult to intervene, which will lead to more accidents, including fatal ones.

The government's main concern with this bill is to lower employers' costs, to save millions of dollars on the backs of workers. This is unacceptable and must not be allowed to pass.

The government cannot decide for the workers and deny everything that has been done for 40 years and show no respect for our efforts.


1. Bill 59 originally created three levels of risk; low, medium and high. The number of meetings of the health and safety committee and the number of hours that the prevention representative was assigned varied according to the level of risk. These three levels of risk were calculated on the basis of the cost of occupational injuries in a given sector of activity, spread over ten years. The bill called this a disbursement from the Labour Standards, Pay Equity and Workplace Health and Safety Board (CNESST). This was totally arbitrary because, among other things, it did not take into account accidents that are not reported, nor the systematic challenge by companies of workers' claims for occupational injuries. In cases where the interventions of workers and their unions has led to a decrease in occupational injuries, a dangerous sector, such as mining, could have been declared low risk and safety measures would have been reduced in the sector. On March 10, the Quebec government tabled an amendment which will eliminate this provision about the levels of risk.

This article was published in

Number 18 - March 17, 2021

Article Link:
Interview with United Steelworkers' Mining Sector Representative: "The Government Cannot Deny What Workers Have Done for 40 Years to Defend Occupational Health and Safety"


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