New Westminster and Victoria City Councils Support Hotel Workers

City councils in New Westminster and Victoria unanimously endorsed motions in support of hotel workers' right to recall to their jobs, on February 23 and March 4 respectively. Both councils affirmed "that people should not lose their livelihoods due to the pandemic" and committed to writing to the provincial Ministers of Labour and Tourism expressing their support for the right for laid off workers to return to their jobs when the pandemic eases. Each council also decided to contact their counterparts, the Lower Mainland Local Government Association, and the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities, and the Union of BC Municipalities, "encouraging them to host future conferences and events in venues that respect workers rights and pay at least a living wage."

In a letter to the Hilton Metrotown in Burnaby dated March 1, Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley wrote: "The economic impact of COVID-19 on hotel workers, particularly women, has been devastating. Women who have cleaned rooms, cooked meals and served guests for decades deserve fair treatment during these difficult times. Instead, the Hilton Metrotown Hotel has been treating them like they're disposable and this is not acceptable. I urge you to guarantee these women their right to return to work."

This article was published in

Number 17 - March 15, 2021

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New Westminster and Victoria City Councils Support Hotel Workers


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