Workers Hold Breakfast Rally Demanding Daily Room Sanitizing at Pinnacle Hotel

Hospitality workers organized a "Housekeepers' Morning Breakfast Action" at 7:30 am in front of the Pinnacle Hotel in downtown Vancouver. The purpose of the action was to alert hotel guests that management is trying to eliminate daily room cleaning in order to cut back on labour costs, which goes against the interests of the workers, guests and the public alike.

Over a hundred workers and their supporters marched to the beat of drums, pots and pans and other noisemakers in front of the hotel, chanting slogans including Who's Got the Power? We've Got the Power!, with signs saying "Save Hospitality Jobs" and "Bring Back Daily Room Sanitizing." Red badges with the demand "Bring Back Daily Room Sanitizing" were given to participants and passers-by, including hotel guests, many of whom stopped to talk and were in agreement with the demands of the workers.

A reporter for Workers' Forum, who is also a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, related a recent experience to workers at the rally. He attended a conference of his union at the hotel in November, during which some members of the union were staying at the hotel. The conference had to be shut down when one of the participants tested positive for COVID-19. This experience underlines the importance of the demand of the workers for daily room sanitizing.

During the action workers' message to guests was: "For our safety and yours, may we clean your room?" Following the picket and speeches by local leaders breakfast was served to everyone and hotel workers and their supporters discussed how to keep up the pressure on the hotel to protect the guests and the workers and increase the number of workers on the job.

(Photos: UniteHere 40)

This article was published in

December 13, 2021 - No. 119

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