Vaccines for All Campaign

Uphold the Rights of Migrant and Undocumented Residents

Anxiety and a great deal of acrimony have been created by governments, cartel parties and media across the country over vaccinations protocols and who gets vaccinated when. Because Canada's economy is not based on self-reliance and caters to global pharmaceutical oligopolies to receive vaccines to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada is way behind other countries in protecting its people. And, within this, the situation in which migrant workers, including undocumented workers, are facing discrimination and exclusion from vaccination programs is beyond unacceptable. Because of their designation by a racist state as people who can be mistreated and abused, thousands of people in Canada working in essential jobs but living in fear of deportation, are unable to access basic health care including vaccinations. They are even unable to walk safely in the streets for fear of being stopped by the police and deported.

The Migrant Rights Network issued a statement on February 24 on this matter entitled "Migrant Rights and Health Experts call for Safe and Dignified Access Without Fear to COVID-19 Vaccines for Migrant and Undocumented Residents."

The statement points out that one in 23 people in Canada don't have permanent resident status, including many workers in healthcare, cleaning, construction, delivery and agriculture, and that many migrants in Canada don't have health cards because they are undocumented or their work or study permits have expired due to government processing delays during the pandemic.

On the one hand workers are threatened by employers that they must be vaccinated and on the other hand workers live with the threat that if their personal information is shared with federal immigration enforcement they will be detained and deported.

It is unconscionable that in a crisis that impacts everyone racist division of the people into categories designed to permit discrimination and denial of basic human rights to some is still presented by the elite and their governments as modern and humane. The only solution is the immediate recognition of the legitimacy of all human beings in Canada, providing vaccinations to all without question, and the granting of permanent resident status to all migrant workers and students who are here and want to stay.

Excerpts of the statement follow:

"The Migrant Rights Network along with leading doctors, health policy experts, and labour leaders, is calling for immediate action to ensure that all migrant and undocumented residents of Canada are able to be vaccinated. A letter signed by 270 organizations outlines specific measures that must be implemented in order to make government assurances about universal vaccine access a reality. For the COVID vaccine to be accessible to migrants in a safe and non-coercive manner, the following must be implemented:

- Vaccination must be provided free of charge;

- Vaccination must not require a health card or health coverage;

- Names, addresses or other identifying information should not be required for vaccination because migrant and undocumented people are fearful of sharing this information;

- No ID information should be shared with federal immigration enforcement;

- Vaccine must be accessible (available in rural communities, to those who don't speak English or French, don't have access to a computer, telephone, etc);

- COVID-19 vaccination should not be coercive or mandatory. To protect against this, anti-reprisal protections and permanent resident status must be ensured for migrants that speak up about workplace issues;

- Vaccine providers must be trained so that they don't turn away people who don't have health coverage or are fearful of sharing their ID;

- Anti-racist public education is necessary to address vaccine hesitancy. Migrants have well-founded reasons to distrust medical systems because of histories of violence and coercion;

- Universal healthcare for all; and

- Full and permanent immigration status for all."

(Photos: WF, NOII Halifax)

This article was published in

February 26, 2021 - No. 11

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