New Brunswick Emergency Order Forces Health Care Workers Back to Work

Reckless Use of Pandemic to Impose Anti-Worker, Anti-Social Agenda

CUPE holds a press conference outside the New Brunswick Legislature demanding the government negotiate a just settlement, November 5, 2021.

On November 5, New Brunswick's Minister of Justice and Public Safety issued a mandatory order to force striking health care workers back to work. The workers are part of the 22,000 workers from 10 Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) locals on strike for wages they consider acceptable and essential to solving the recruitment and retention crisis in public services in the province. As of October 31, the government of Premier Blaine Higgs had already locked out nearly 3,000 CUPE education workers participating in the strike, forcing schools to close and imposing remote learning, against the interests and wishes of families and youth.

It is significant that the health care workers are being forced back to work and their strike declared illegal through an order signed by the minister responsible for public safety. The just struggle of the workers, who have done everything possible to avoid having to strike to obtain a settlement they consider acceptable, is thus being characterized as a threat to public safety. The mandatory order goes so far as to provide that if workers do not return to work as ordered, employers will be allowed to fire them and replace them with non-union employees or even contract out their jobs. This anti-worker, anti-public service dictate is said to be necessary for public safety, but what could be more harmful than firing experienced and organized workers and replacing them with who knows what, possibly private agencies? This is a serious matter of concern for New Brunswick workers and all workers across the country and makes it all the more urgent to oppose the New Brunswick government's retrogressive and dangerous agenda.

The ministerial order forcing health care workers back to work was adopted after the Higgs government refused to consider the union's latest offer. On the evening of November 4, Premier Higgs, accompanied by a small delegation, met with some of the members of the union's centralized negotiating team. He presented an offer which the delegation then presented to the entire centralized bargaining team. The team submitted a counter-offer to which the government never responded. This is the third time the Higgs government has walked away from negotiations in a few months, this time to impose a ministerial order to crush the health care workers' strike.

The union reported that the two parties had been very close to an agreement. The centralized bargaining was supposed to focus on wages only, and the difference was $0.50 per hour over a five-year contract. However, the government deliberately sabotaged any possibility of an agreement, as it has done all along, by maintaining its demands for concessions on the pension plans of two of the 10 locals, to turn their defined benefit plan into a so-called shared risk plan that workers oppose. Through such a plan, workers' pension benefits can be cut if the plan is declared underfunded. In addition to the fact that pensions were not even supposed to be part of centralized bargaining, the union reports that the government tried to force through this concession by arguing that these workers' current pension plan was underfunded. This is true, but only because the government has not put any money into the plan for years, as it is legally obligated to do.[1]

The ministerial mandatory order was passed under the renewed state of emergency declared by the Higgs government on September 24 in response to the province's worsening COVID-19 situation. The order decrees that all striking CUPE health care workers are now considered to be essential and must return to work as of midnight on November 6. It decrees that anyone who fails to comply with the order will be fined a minimum of $480 and a maximum of $20,400 for each day or part of the day not worked, and that the same will apply to anyone who advises a person not to comply with the order. The organization to which a worker belongs will have to pay a minimum fine of $100,000 for each day or part of the day that it does not comply with the order, which sets no maximum fine.

The union has strongly denounced the ministerial order as an attack on its right to negotiate terms and conditions it deems acceptable. The union has also been informed by its members that although the order covers all striking health care employees, many of them were actually turned away when they reported to work.

"Our members were upset, but prepared to go back to work this morning," said Brent Wiggins, CUPE Local 1190 president and member of the Centralized Bargaining Team, in a press release issued by CUPE on November 6. "Now, they are being told their services are no longer needed. The use of such heavy-handed tactics to attack members' rights, instead of signing a collective agreement, is nonsensical."

"Mr. Higgs, you will not break our solidarity. We will not be divided," declared Norma Robinson, president of CUPE Local 1252 and a member of the centralized bargaining team, in the same press release.

The union has announced that it will take legal action to defend its members.

Workers' Forum joins with all New Brunswick workers and residents in denouncing this abuse of power by the government. Using a crisis such as the pandemic as an opportunity to pursue a dirty agenda against those who are defending and protecting the public puts all New Brunswickers at risk. In blaming workers for the impacts of the strike on services, the government is hiding its own responsibility for the decades' long attacks by successive governments on social programs and public services that have wrecked society's ability to deal with crises such as COVID-19. It is the working people who have and continue to hold the system together at the risk of their health, safety and lives.
Let's all demand an end to this anti-worker, anti-social agenda by defending the rights and dignity of workers and by placing their claims at the heart of sorting out the problems facing public services and society at large.


1.  Premier Blaine Higgs is renowned for having imposed a "shared risk" pension plan on workers at the Irving refinery when he was the company's senior executive. He was the government's finance minister when it passed legislation in 2013 mandating the conversion of public sector workers' defined benefit pension plans to shared risk plans. Several unions are still engaged in court proceedings against this attack on their pension plans.

(Photos: CUPE NB)

This article was published in

 November 10, 2021 - No. 105

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