Hilton Metrotown Workers’ “Come Back Stronger” Day of Action

On October 28, members of Unite Here! Local 40 organized a picket action as part of a continent-wide "Come Back Stronger" day of action. The “Come Back Stronger” actions were organized by the union to defend jobs and working conditions in the hospitality industry that are under attack by the conglomerate owners of hotels, who are using the excuse of the pandemic to fire workers and to attempt to reduce wages and eliminate hard won working conditions.

Undaunted by the cold rainy day, the Hilton Metrotown workers erected tents at the main entrance of the hotel, and then marched back and forth while the drums beat time. The main slogan for this action was "Housekeeping every day!"; "Hotel rooms need to be cleaned every day!"

A union organizer explained to Workers' Forum that hotel management in hotels all over are trying to cut down on the amount of cleaning they do in each room, and thus cut down on the number of employees: for example the clerk at the desk of a hotel may be required to ask an incoming guest if they want to be disturbed by having someone come in to clean. Having had it put that way, many a guest agrees not to have the cleaning done. This is not only a matter of saving jobs — and many of those workers have been there for 22 years, he said, but it is also a matter of maintaining proper standards of cleanliness and public safety.

A statement by the union on Facebook, in announcing the October 28 action, said

"During the pandemic, DSDL [the offshore corporation that owns the Hilton Metrotown hotel in Burnaby] locked out Hilton Metrotown workers in April after terminating 97 workers this spring. Many of those fired were women who had worked at the hotel for years. The BC Federation of Labour issued a boycott of the hotel, and we held a sit-in protest this past August. What Hilton Metrotown is doing to its workers isn't a single incident. Hotels are using the pandemic to get rid of their long-term workforce, many of them women." The union statement continues, "But the industry is making a comeback and workers need their jobs back. Bosses may use the pandemic to try to cut services & jobs but the union will come back stronger! It's time to come back stronger and say NO more unequal women in the hotel industry!"

(Photos: WF, Unite Here 40)

This article was published in

November 1, 2021 - No. 102

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