Opposition to Pay-the-Rich Schemes

Injured Workers Hold Halloween Lobby Actions


Injured workers and their allies held some 50 actions on October 29 across Ontario at the offices of members of the provincial legislature (MPPs). They left signs on their doors and copies of a letter from the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups (ONIWG). The actions highlighted that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's (WSIB) so-called surplus of funds came from cuts to the benefits of injured workers mandated by successive governments. They demanded the funds be used to restore these benefits to the workers who need them very badly, not to rebate employers. On the eve of Halloween, injured workers do not need more trickery but justice, organizers said.

Photos show activists at the offices of MPPs from Thunder Bay and Sudbury, to Hamilton, Niagara, Mississauga, and Toronto, and Peterborough, among others.

Justice for Injured Workers!

The government's corruption is very obvious when it gives what it calls a surplus to employers when the entire so-called unfunded liability that was used as the justification to slash injured workers’ benefits was an accounting fraud in the first place. Despite being powerless within their parties and within the Legislature and government, MPPs should have to answer for what is going on. They should take responsibility for their presence in the Legislature and answer for legislation which is passed. It will not do to keep blaming rival cartel parties and pretending they would do things differently. These pay-the-rich schemes are dictated by the rich and it is high time MPPs stopped permitting them by remaining silent.

Thunder Bay--Superior North

Thunder Bay--Atikokan



Beaches--East York; Scarborough Southwest

Toronto University; Toronto--Danforth

Mississauga Centre; Mississauga Erin Mills

Hamilton area riding of Flamborough-Glanbrook

Hamilton West--Ancaster--Dundas

Hamilton Mountain

Niagara West; St. Catharines

(Photos: ONIWG, P. Stacho, R. Siddiqui)

This article was published in

November 1, 2021 - No. 102

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