Criminal Corruption at the Highest Levels

Algoma Steel went into bankruptcy protection in 1991, in 2001 and again in 2015 under the Companies Creditors' Arrangement Act to relieve its investors of financial and other obligations to steelworkers, the public and certain private interests. The India-based global cartel Essar Group seized control of Algoma Steel in 2007, operating it as a subsidiary known as Algoma Inc. In an arrangement among oligarchs in May 2021, the New York-based international investment cartel Legato Merger Corp was brought onto the scene. The deal among the oligarchs merges Algoma with Legato and gives Essar over $1.1 billion worth of new shares in Legato. In the midst of all this, in July, the Trudeau government gave Algoma $420 million in public funds.

Public funds should be used for public purposes to humanize the social and natural environment and to strengthen Canada's self-reliance and stability. Human-centred productive enterprises are a most effective way of generating public funds for public purposes. Public funds must not on any account be handed over to private interests to defend and enlarge their private enterprises and increase their control over Canada's economy.

As always, Trudeau spouted high sounding words to excuse the corruption of using his position in government to pay public funds to the rich. To give the corrupt practice a shiny veneer, Trudeau declared that the payment to the Essar global oligarchs would "create jobs and build a cleaner future."

Of course the money in the hands of the rich may create jobs. Buying workers' capacity to work and having them work in their private enterprises is a way the rich become richer, through expropriating the added-value workers produce. And that is the point for the ruling elite. For them, public money must go towards strengthening the control, domination and privilege of the rich and weakening the capacity of the working people to defend their rights and have any control over their work and lives. Global control by the oligarchs in no way brings stability and security to the economy as Canadians have seen time and time again.

Public money on the contrary should be invested in social programs to meet the needs and guarantee the rights of the people, and to create stable human-centred social enterprises that put workers to work creating added-value for the common good and not to make the billionaires richer. The added-value from human-centred social enterprises can be invested back into the Canadian economy to defend it from economic crises and to create possibilities for Canadians to enhance their control over their economy and its direction.

Governments paying the rich underscore the need for a new direction for the economy. The socialized economy must be under the control of Canadians with the added-value workers produce invested back into the economy.

Denounce the Corruption of the Trudeau Government!
Stop Paying the Rich; Increase Investments in Social Programs!

This article was published in

October 27, 2021 - No. 100

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