Trudeau Government's Gross Disregard for Human Life: End All Removals Now!

In spite of restrictions on airline flights to Mexico and the Caribbean, forced quarantine of returning travelers and repeated appeals from the Prime Minister and other government and public health officials that now is not the time for international travel, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has stepped up deportations since the end of November. This ended the temporary suspension of most deportations that was instituted by the CBSA in March 2020. Immigration lawyers were advised on November 30, 2020 of the immediate resumption of removals for all inadmissible foreign nationals in Canada. The announcement came on the day that 7,681 COVID-19 infections had been reported across the country, the highest single-day count since the pandemic had begun, and 98 people had died, the highest daily death toll in almost six months.

From March to December the CBSA claimed that it had prioritized deportations for reasons of "serious" inadmissibilities, those found under s.34 (security), s.35 (human rights violations) and s.36 (criminality) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The latest report on removals in the 2020-2021 fiscal year (year ending on March 31, 2021) on the CBSA website is that as of July 30, four months into the fiscal year, the total number of enforced removals was 2,438. The total number of enforced removals in 2019-2020 was 11,465. In 2018, the CBSA set a target of 10,000 removals for 2018-2019, with even higher targets for subsequent years, aiming for 15,500 by 2022, so is under pressure to ramp up the number of removals before the end of the fiscal year on March 31.

The report of the Auditor-General presented to Parliament on July 8 last year was critical of the failure of the CBSA to increase the number of removals and proposed various "improvements" including increased incentives for "voluntary removals." News media report that the number of "voluntary removals" has significantly increased. Incentives include government-paid airfare at an often inflated price which has to be repaid should the person who is removed want to return to Canada in the future.

One of the reasons the CBSA has advanced for its change in policy was "the emergence of viable vaccination options" despite the fact that when it resumed removals at the end of November, no vaccine had been approved in Canada. It also claimed that the decision to halt many removals during the pandemic "was an exceptional measure that was not shared by the international community."

Migrants' rights organizations, the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers and many others have spoken out in opposition to the resumption of removals and called on the government to reinstate the moratorium. They point out the danger to people being removed from Canada and to the CBSA employees that are required to travel with some people to their destinations. People who are under removal orders have to report, sometimes more than once, to CBSA offices and go into the community to make other arrangements for leaving Canada, all of which put them in increased danger of contracting COVID-19. Travel is no less dangerous for these individuals and the CBSA employees that accompany them, in the airports, in the planes and at their destinations, than for any Canadian who has been warned not to travel abroad. The Canadian Bar Association asks that the "CBSA ... adopt and follow a clear policy deeming all removal orders unenforceable due to public health risks."

Undocumented workers are often reported to the CBSA by police and have to avoid situations in which they could have to show identification to police. In Quebec the curfew imposed by the Legault government has created an impossible situation for many workers who are legitimately on the streets going to their jobs but whose lives could be turned upside down if police stop them.

Let us all join with migrants' rights organizations and advocates in calling for an end to deportations and for an end to unjust denials of rights of migrant workers to permanent residence status in Canada!

(Photo: WF, CAC)

This article was published in

Number 6 - February 15, 2021

Article Link:
Trudeau Government's Gross Disregard for Human Life: End All Removals Now! - Diane Johnston


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