Victory in Campaign to Extend Work Permits and Stop Deportations of Foreign Students

November 24, 2020. Toronto rally to stop deportations of foreign students.

Migrant Students United is celebrating a victory in their months-long campaign to stop the deportation of tens of thousands of foreign students stranded in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have been fighting for the extension of Post-Graduate Work Permits (PGWP) which expired at the end of 2020. On January 8, Marco Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that international students who were unable to find qualified work due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be eligible for an 18-month extension of their permits.

This will allow foreign students who studied and graduated here to continue looking for employment in Canada. For some this means extending their opportunity to satisfy the requirements for applying for permanent resident (PR) status. For others, it is an opportunity to earn income, offset their student loan debts, gain work experience etc. before returning home.

About 61 per cent of all foreign students graduating from post-secondary institutions in Canada planned to find employment here before returning home, according to a recent study of the Canadian Bureau of International Education. Only about half (51 per cent) intend to apply for permanent resident status on the strength of their studies and employment, but only 22 per cent actually succeed in gaining PR status through one of these programs.

Canada fell far short on its immigration targets for 2020 due to the pandemic and, to make up the numbers, the federal government is looking to increase the number of international students receiving PR.

Inability to secure work due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for migrant students. Tens of thousands of migrant students who graduate here -- 58,000 in 2019 -- were facing deportation because their post-graduate work permits had expired at the end of 2020.

This is indeed a sweet victory. Organizations like Migrant Students United fought hard to achieve it. They organized rallies, pickets, and petitions. They lobbied and brought their case to the attention of the Canadian public, got trade unions and other organizations on board.

The fight to affirm the rights of international students does not end here. There are nearly 700,000 international students in Canada on post-graduate work permits and study permits. They have already paid exorbitant tuition fees -- up to six times those paid by their Canadian peers. Upon graduation, international students typically receive lower salaries -- seven per cent lower on average, according to Statistics Canada. Additionally, graduate students work as teaching and research assistants and do vital work in other fields but these labours do not qualify them to satisfy PR requirements. The list of the ways in which international students are shamefully fleeced, exploited, misused and denied their rights by the Canadian government goes on and on. Furthermore, during this COVID-19 pandemic, international student graduates whose social insurance applications were in process, numbering in the thousands, did not receive any financial support from the federal government, not even the paltry amounts that Canadian post-secondary students got. Many others were unable to get full time work or sufficient hours to qualify for Employment Insurance.

Sarom Rho, National Coordinator of Migrant Students United, said their organization is committed to continue the struggle for justice and the rights of all. In addition to this victory in securing work permit extensions Migrant Students United is committed to bring about changes that will ensure real access to PR (count work that is part-time in school and any other occupation towards PR) and for full and permanent residency for all migrants; to remove time limits and industry restrictions on work; to unite families and ensure work permits for family members; to lower tuition and ensure full access to services (health care, housing, jobs, scholarships, pandemic emergency benefits etc.) for all international students.

Workers' Forum congratulates Migrant Students United on this victory and calls on everyone to join in supporting its political organizing for the rights of all.

(Photo: Workers' Forum)

This article was published in

Number 4 - February 10, 2021

Article Link:
Victory in Campaign to Extend Work Permits and Stop Deportations of Foreign Students


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