Fight for People's Empowerment

The experience of the past year has revealed for all to see that more than 30 years of neo-liberal anti-social wrecking of social programs such as health care through cuts, restructuring and privatization created the conditions for the current crisis and made it impossible for the system to cope with an emergency like the pandemic.

The problems facing the working class and the Canadian people of guaranteeing rights, to health care, education, housing and care for the most vulnerable, to peace and security will not be solved by the measures being discussed in Parliament. What the rich and the cartel parties in the federal and provincial legislatures are offering is more of the same that has created the crisis of unemployment, unaffordable housing and deteriorating working conditions. For example, billions of dollars that are being pledged to "fix" long-term care, including emergency funds for personal protective equipment, are going to be handed over to the private operators whose profits ballooned even as thousands of seniors in their care and workers at the homes became infected with COVID-19. Only by putting an end to private profit in long-term care homes and creating a new public authority creating enterprises based on meeting the needs of seniors and providing the working conditions needed by the caregivers through increased investments can seniors have a healthy, safe and dignified life. This is the demand that has been raised by workers across the country.

With the end of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, the continued closure of many businesses and new outbreaks in meat processing plants and other workplaces, the situation is becoming even worse for those who are working and the unemployed who are struggling to make ends meet.

Frontline workers in health care, education, mass transit, and industry have put forward their proposals and demands that would protect them and society and get the situation under control but governments have instead resorted to issuing decrees and to police powers, as if the working class and people are the problem not the solution.

The key problem and the obstacle to moving forward is political, a system of governance that disempowers the people. The current outmoded system blocks any movement towards renewal and the cartel parties do everything in their power to make sure that the people have no say in making the decisions that affect their lives, from the "issues" on which an election is fought, to the selection of candidates, to legislation that is passed, to holding elected representatives to account.

Workers' Forum joins workers in all sectors across the country who are discussing matters that concern the working class and people and working out solutions to problems facing the workers and society, as a contribution to setting an agenda based on a nation-building project. Let us all speak in our own names and participate in discussing political affairs as worker politicians, to end our marginalization by insisting on discussing the issues of concern to the working class and people and not let the agenda be set by the rich and the cartel parties whose aim is to hold onto power, an aim which is an obstacle to mobilizing the full human force of the people for society's advance.

This article was published in

Number 4 - February 10, 2021

Article Link:
Fight for People's Empowerment


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