Ontario Extends "Stay at Home" Order

On January 25, the Ontario government extended the "state of emergency" first announced on January 12. The measures are aimed at keeping the contagion of the COVID pandemic in check so as to "flatten the curve" of infections before the public health system is completely overwhelmed. The "state of emergency" is now set to expire on February 9 unless extended again.

The concern is that the government is refusing to mobilize and bring to bear the strength and organization of the workers and people to flatten the curve. Marginalization of the people from being at the centre of providing solutions to the problems facing society is the reason why the situation is not brought under control. The Government of Ontario has refused to even consider the recommendations of education workers' unions and frontline health care unions, proposals that have been consistent with public health guidelines and medical scientific findings; proposals that would have minimized the risk of a second wave following the start up of schools, work and commerce.

Neo-liberal privatization of practically every aspect of the public health system has left Canada completely vulnerable when it comes to meeting public health requirements. The refusal to provide adequate personal protective equipment even for frontline health workers, let alone for society at large, shows that the agenda to make the rich richer is criminal and workers must call for a change in the direction of the economy.

The previous state of emergency declared in Ontario was used to override the collective agreements of frontline health care providers, imposing intolerable working conditions -- often without even adequate protective equipment. The neo-liberal agenda of public sector wage freezes, privatization and other pay-the-rich schemes exacerbates the crisis. It comes as no surprise that in the midst of this crisis society is facing the most severe health care staffing shortage yet.

Ontario responded to the first wave with legislation indemnifying for-profit long-term care (LTC) operators from criminal or civil liability for the hundreds of deaths in LTC homes. Private LTC operators also received tens of millions of dollars in grants, and while conditions for workers and residents remained largely unchanged, these corporations paid out huge dividends to owners.

Ontario education workers' unions developed serious protocol measures to ensure reopening schools would not be a disaster for society, only to be blocked no matter what avenue they tried to be heard. The fact is that the democratic institutions as they presently exist do not permit workers and their organizations to have any say whatsoever in decision-making to manage this pandemic.

Ontario's government blames the people for ignoring public health guidelines. It claims the state of emergency and stay-at-home order is necessary because people do not act responsibly.

In fact, the workers and people of Ontario have been and continue to take up their social responsibility to the best of their ability, to keep themselves and their communities safe. However, their lack of control over the decision-making power must be addressed by getting rid of the system of cartel party government which claims that through their vote during an election they authorize others to speak and act in their name. It is a fraud. The cartel party system of government serves the rich. Such governments do not represent the people.

As it stands at present, Ontario workers have to step up their fight in defence of their rights so that the rights of all are protected and governments do not get away with their failure to do their duty as the people understand it.

Restrictions in Ontario

Ontario has been put under a stay-at-home order, which requires everyone to remain at home with exceptions for essential purposes, like going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services, for exercise or for essential work.

There is no in-class instruction until February 10 at the earliest for the following public health units: Windsor-Essex, Peel Region, Toronto, York Region and Hamilton.

All businesses must ensure that any employee who can work from home does so.

Outdoor gatherings are restricted to five people, consistent with the first-wave lockdown rules.

Masks remain mandatory indoors at open businesses or organizations. Masks are also now recommended outdoors where physical distancing of more than two metres is not possible.

All non-essential retail is closed as of 8 pm and open no earlier than 7 am. These limits don't apply to stores that primarily sell food, gas stations, pharmacies, convenience stores or restaurants providing take-out or delivery.

Non-essential construction is further restricted, including below-grade construction, exempting survey.

There are no restrictions on the purchase of non-essential items.

(With files from Government of Ontario, CBC.)

This article was published in

Number 1 - February 2, 2021

Article Link:
Ontario Extends "Stay at Home" Order - Steve Rutchinski


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