Addressing Matters of Serious Concern in the Health Care Sector

A matter of serious concern amongst health care workers in Quebec and elsewhere is to avoid implementation of what is called the prioritization protocol for access to intensive care if the system is overwhelmed. In Quebec, according to such a protocol designed by the Quebec government, if the shortage of resources in intensive care reaches a breaking point and measures such as the transfer of patients from one institution to another have become impossible, some patients would be refused life-saving ICU treatment to make room for others deemed more likely to survive. The protocol will be enacted when demand for ICU beds across the province reaches 200 per cent of normal capacity.

Health care workers told Workers' Forum that the lack of resources that would trigger such actions is the direct result of the slashing of services by successive governments for over 30 years. It has been made worse today by the untenable conditions imposed on health care workers which results in workers becoming sick and having to take leave, or resigning or opting for early retirement. The human productive force is being wrecked under the hoax of taming budgetary deficits and other anti-social pretexts so as to serve narrow private interests. The consequences of this wrecking is invoked to justify further wrecking.

Workers fight to affirm all human life and rights and do not agree with these desperate proposals which go against their conscience. It is like asking fire-fighters not to go all out to rescue everyone in a burning building but to choose who lives and who dies. The fight of workers for adequate and safe working conditions is directly linked with defeating this anti-social, inhuman, assault on society. 

This article was published in

Number 1 - February 2, 2021

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Addressing Matters of Serious Concern in the Health Care Sector


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