Curbing the Spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Workers' Organizing for Solutions Remains Key

As the spread of COVID-19 results in higher numbers of infections, hospitalizations and deaths, it has become clearer than ever that workers organizing to push forward their demands and solutions is key to curbing the spread and stabilizing the situation, especially in the health care system. Workers speaking out and organizing to protect everybody, including themselves, as they deliver the services people need is essential in affirming social solidarity of all for the well-being of all. It is also only through this work and struggle that working people can force those in authority to take up their responsibility of protecting the people.

It is a tragic fact of life that after nearly 11 months of the pandemic, safe working conditions for frontline workers have not yet been achieved. Workers' demands for such basic things as adequate personal protective equipment that they themselves determine is needed based on their experience and public health standards have not been universally met. Some health and safety measures are in place in some workplaces but not others, according to random criteria decided by unknown parties.

Governments and employers are looking for alternative sites where various health services that do not require full-fledged hospitals can be delivered. However, without adequate personnel and mobilization of the human factor to sort out the issues of safety, training, maintenance, and all issues related to the success of such projects, they will come up against the same problems they are already responsible for creating. Hoping that by mobilizing the armed forces to deliver vaccines will guarantee efficiency is pie in the sky given the lack of interest in putting human beings at the centre of social organization.

These projects can only be built with the pro-social aim of looking after the well-being of all. This is where the fight is the most acute. Workers are taking initiatives to lead the people in solving the crisis in a manner that benefits the people and society but matters are not under their control. Ruling elites continue to put forward schemes which they announce by decree such as curfews and fines no matter what violations of workers' rights they entail.

Only by the workers mobilizing themselves, starting with the organized collectives of workers, youth, women, Indigenous peoples, community organizations and so on, can they exercise some sort of control over what happens.

At this time there is discussion in Quebec about requisitioning private surgery rooms and their staff to integrate them into the public sector during the crisis so that they can do important surgeries that are being postponed because of COVID-19, alleviating the situation in the hospitals. There is no doubt that marshalling resources to face the crisis has to be done but this requires the full mobilization of the workers and medical authorities and others to ensure that it is done safely. Health care workers told Workers' Forum that this is an avenue that could help alleviate the pressure on the health care system, provided that utmost care is taken to ensure that this is done safely and that it does not mean the expansion of private health care. They say this is intended as a temporary measure to address the crisis.

In Ontario and other provinces, governments are talking of plans to open up more hospital beds, temporary field hospitals, and other ways to expand the system. But without addressing the demands of the workers for increased staff and improved working conditions this will exacerbate, not solve, the health care crisis.

This article was published in

Number 1 - February 2, 2021

Article Link:
Curbing the Spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Workers' Organizing for Solutions Remains Key - Pierre Chénier


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