As 2021 Gets Underway

Impotence of the Ruling Elite Regarding Economic and Health Crises

The ruling elite in Canada are expressing dismay at their inability to even explain how to combat the twin economic and health crises, let alone propose anything concrete. Leaders of the cartel parties in Parliament and economists are said to be bewildered and feel helpless in the face of the continuing crises and are reduced to saying how bad things are and attacking one another for not doing more.

Words expressing dismay at the continuing twin crises and attacking one another are of little use, as are appeals that the rulers should listen to the workers and respect them. The only meaningful action is to encourage the fighting contingents of the working class in workplaces across the country, as well working people in the communities and teachers and staff in the educational institutions to mobilize themselves directly to deal with the economy and the value it produces in the context of how the twin crises of the economy and the health care system can be solved for the common good.

Workers' Forum will continue to give space for demands and actions which favour the workers, including the demand to stop paying the rich, for not-for-profit health care, long-term care and seniors' homes and similar measures which benefit the people and help resolve the crises in their favour.

This article was published in

Number 1 - February 2, 2021

Article Link:
As 2021 Gets Underway: Impotence of the Ruling Elite Regarding Economic and Health Crises


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