Quebec and New Brunswick Actions Demand
Thorough Reform of Employment Insurance

All Out to Defend the Unemployed!

From December 7 to December 11, actions were held across Quebec and in New Brunswick to demand a thorough reform of Employment Insurance (EI) to uphold the rights and dignity of unemployed workers. Actions in Quebec were held as part of the campaign "We Must Improve our Situation. Unemployment insurance reform is needed!" of the Autonomous Movement in Solidarity with the Unemployed (MASSE). The New Brunswick action was organized by Assistance and Support for Workers in Seasonal Sectors (ASTS) which is active mainly on the Acadian Peninsula in Northern New Brunswick. Actions were held by defence organizations of the unemployed with the support of trade unions. They involved only some activists of the organizations in order to adhere to health and safety protocols related to the pandemic.

The actions were part of the long-standing struggle for an EI regime that upholds the rights and dignity of all unemployed workers. It highlighted the fact that millions of workers who lost their jobs during the pandemic could only survive because of emergency temporary benefits that were created by the federal government. This shows that the EI regime does not protect the unemployed. Today, only 40 per cent of the unemployed are eligible to receive EI benefits and those benefits do not cover their basic needs. Furthermore, they do not last long enough to guarantee that unemployed workers will not face periods in which they have no income at all between jobs. Unemployed refer to this period without any income whatsoever as "the black hole." It refers to the gap between when a seasonal worker's EI benefits run out and when the worker's job starts up again. The black hole has a huge impact on seasonal workers who run out of benefits, if they qualify for benefits in the first place. 

The organizers of the actions put forward three main demands: a universal qualifying period of 350 hours or 13 weeks worked; a benefit rate of at least 70 per cent of the previous wage based on the 12 best weeks; a minimum of 35 weeks of benefits. This would eliminate the different qualifying periods and duration of benefits established arbitrarily in different regions of the country on the basis of the official rate of unemployment in the region. The aim is to increase overall eligibility for EI, with special attention to part-time workers, to guarantee unemployed workers a liveable income for as long as they are unemployed, and to eliminate phenomena such as the black hole.

Workers' Forum firmly supports the demands of the unemployed workers and calls on all Canadians to defend the dignity of labour by joining them. They reflect the increased consciousness, which the pandemic has highlighted in a dramatic way, of the need for profound changes that favour the people and protect them from the crises that are erupting.  The demand for EI reform is part and parcel of workers' fight for social programs that defend the well-being of all and are under the control of the people. Workers' Forum also congratulates and greets all the activists who face a heavy burden of work to make sure that the unemployed are not left to fend for themselves because the ruling elite and its system has wrecked the EI program and has rendered the society unable to face crises.

(Photos: G.Depalo, Action-Chômage Côte-Nord)

This article was published in

Number 85 - December 17, 2020

Article Link:
Quebec and New Brunswick Actions Demand : All Out to Defend the Unemployed!


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