Education is a Right Podcast

Why Are Governments Allergic to Public Solutions to the Pandemic?

In this episode Dr. Shane Miersch, an antibody engineer in the Sidhu Laboratory at the University of Toronto, discusses the status of the lab's research for a publicly developed COVID-19 treatment. He also informs about the problem of governments refusing to develop public solutions to the pandemic which will prepare Canada for future outbreaks. Dr. Miersch specifically describes the experience he and his colleagues have had trying to get the federal government to recognize the value they are creating instead of handing out large amounts of public funds to private pharmaceutical monopolies that want to profit from the pandemic. Listen to the podcast here

This article was published in

Number 84 - December 15, 2020

Article Link:
Education is a Right Podcast: Why Are Governments Allergic to Public Solutions to the Pandemic?


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