Migrant Workers Alliance for Change Press Conference

To draw attention to the situation of migrant workers and the demands of Canadians for permanent immigration status for all migrant workers, Migrant Workers Alliance for Change (MWAC) held a press conference outside the Toronto constituency office of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland on November 12. Speakers at the press conference were Syed Hussen, Executive Director of MWAC, Luis Gabriel Flores, a migrant worker from Mexico, and John So, Employment Lawyer at Parkdale Legal Services. The following are excerpts from their remarks:

Syed Hussan: "We are here today because Gabriel Flores has won a historic legal claim against his employer, Scotlynn Farms. Mr. Flores was awarded $25,000 by the Ontario Labour Relations Board [OLRB] because his multi-millionaire bosses at Scotlynn Farms dismissed him for speaking up for his co-workers, for asking for his rights, for speaking up for co-workers sick with COVID-19, for asking for accountability and for speaking to the media.

"...It is the federal government that is truly responsible for what Mr. Flores and countless other migrant workers have suffered and the only real compensation and repatriation possible is a change in federal immigration laws providing full and permanent immigration status for all. That is why we are here outside the Deputy Prime Minister's office, calling on the federal government to act."

He pointed out that with the second wave of COVID-19 hitting farms now there are over 85 infected workers on Ontario farms and that "What happened to Mr. Flores could be happening right now to any of these workers" and that "intimidation, violence, abuse and exploitation will continue as long as employers have the power to terminate any workers who stand up for their rights" and called on the federal government to "ensure full and permanent immigration status for all so that migrants have the same rights as everyone else in this country."

Luis Gabriel Flores: "I am here to celebrate a historic victory for migrant workers in Canada. While at this time we have won a battle, we have to keep fighting for equal rights for all migrant workers in this country.... We want permanent residency so we can defend ourselves and get the respect and equality that we derive. We want permanent residency because we want to reunite with our families and to be able to receive the medical attention we deserve. And we need decent housing." He said that his win at the Labour Relations Board did not mean that the situation had changed for his former co-workers and urged others -- "Do not be afraid. Dare to raise your voice" and to reach out to organizations like MWAC for assistance and support.

John So: "This is the first case that the OLRB has heard with respect to migrant farm workers who have been penalized and fired for speaking out about working conditions. What is astounding isn't that we won the case. What is astounding is that it took so long for us to have a decision relating to this issue. People who work with migrant workers have known for decades, it has been an open secret that any migrant worker who speaks out is sent home, penalized of fired or isn't invited back next season." He said that even though Mr. Flores has won his case the same conditions that allowed Mr. Flores to be exploited and to be penalized still exist, and that the OLRB, as a reactive institution, can only respond to those who are able to present a case and that is not something that thousands of workers are able to do. He ended by saying that "The only way we can prevent what happened to Mr. Flores from happening again is to eliminate, change, reform, the system that causes this exploitation, this precarious situation, this marginalization to occur."

(Photos: Status For All, OFL)

This article was published in

Number 80 - November 26, 2020

Article Link:
Migrant Workers Alliance for Change Press Conference


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